
Send testimonial
"Since I visited with Juan, at least 4 years ago, he has helped me a lot in many problems that were arising, both emotionally and physically.

What I most admire about him is how he succeeds in the remedies, and the moments that I have had bad have been there, he has not failed me.

What I was missing to see is my dog that after being treated with medication for a year with otitis, we got down to work, Juan gave her the homeopathic remedy and without giving her antibiotic she has completely recovered, I know not it is a temporary recovery but a cure.

Thanks Juan, for all your help.
Maribel, Otitis in dog, 2018
“I asked Joan to visit because my 22-month-old daughter Elijah was still waking up at night asking for a bibi.

Plus I often had a cough at night. We started treatment after removing the bibi but when he was still waking up asking for it.

The first night the cough intensified to disappear two nights later.

When the cough was over he did not wake up again at night. About a month ago. We are very happy and above all rested! ”

Elia, insomnia, 2015
“Once again I want to say thank you to our doctor, thanks to whom this time my family coped with the most severe flu in a few days. At the beginning of the disease, both children - 8 and 5 years old - had a fever of 40 degrees. Due to the successful prescribing and instantaneous hit in the target correct remedy, the children were completely healthy for 3 days and the temperature dropped to tolerable values ​​in a few hours. I had a terrible cough in addition to the temperature, with very severe pain in the chest after. Just two consecutive day after day of repeating remedy helped me to forget about this episode as a terrible dream. At that time, as many of our environment suffered from weeks of this flu, we were healthy for 3 days. Thanks for that to our most wonderful doctor Juan Garcia! ”. 
IF, 2011
“My eternal thanks to Juan. I am in my process and since I have found him I feel calmer, I feel safe and free.I have gone from a great dependence and permanent need for natural and alternative treatments to the freedom to let go of them and allow the space for my body to spontaneously regenerate itself and my soul to heal.I am still in the process and I feel physically and emotionally cared for by his attention, his care, his professionalism and his human accompaniment, which in itself is healing.Thanks Juan for being there. "
Anonymous, 09/05/2017
Name: Light
Subject: Amazed
Date: September-2020
En cuanto a Valentina publico las fotos del antes y después.... pués sus padres estaban desesperados sin saber que hacer, ya la habían llevado a varios dermatólogos y más médicos y la única opción era quemar todo su cuerpo....y tú las has curado, con tan sólo unos glóbulos, estamos impresionados, sus padres aún no se lo creen, pués ya no querían admitirla en el colegio por el moluscum contagioso.
Muchas gracias Juan
Qué suerte hemos tenido.
Qué Dios te bendiga grandemente.....y aumente tú sabiduría e inteligencia, que bonito es saber que existen seres como TÚ.

Name: Jenny, Colombia
Subject: My family's experiences with Juan and homeopathy.
Date: September-2020

Soy Jenny desde Colombia, les voy a contar los testimonios de mi familia con los tratamientos de Juan. 
A Juan lo conocimos por medio de mi madre que esta en España y ella fue la primera que empezó  tratarse con él.
Para ella fueron muy satisfactorios sus resultados. 
También puso en tratamiento a mi abuela que sufría Alzheimer y gracias a él y sus medicinas mi abuela pudo tener una muy buena calidad de vida durante sus  últimos años.
También ha tratado a mi hijo de 17 años que entró en una etapa de mucha rebeldía y se puso muy difícil lo cual con la ayuda de Juan todo cambió y ahora llevamos una vida más tranquila.
A mi personalmente me ha servido muchísimo su tratamiento.
Tengo 4 hijos y debido a los problemas con ellos y situaciones muy desagradables de mi vida caí en depresión.
No quería hablar con nadie, que nadie me viera. No quería comer no quería bañarme solo estar en una cama día y noche y sometiendo a mi hijo de 5 años a vivir esta misma vida. 
Mi madre viendo mi situación me ha puesto en contacto con Juan y hoy puedo decir que gracias a él mi vida cambió.

Ahora no me dejó derrotar por mis problemas los he sabido enfrentar con más tranquilidad. No me he vuelto a dejar caer ni a encerrarme a llorar como lo hacía antes. Vivo con alegría, afrontó mi vida con responsabilidad y sabiduría, soy una persona totalmente transformada tambien a mi hijo menor le ha tratado un problema de bronquitis muy fuerte que tenia y a cada rato lo tenía que hospitalizar con unas crisis muy horribles, una alergia en su nariz que no lo dejaba dormir. Los medicamentos que en el hospital le mandaban le hacían mal. Un día mi madre decidió ponerlo en tratamiento con Juan y los resultados han sido magníficos. Mi hijo hace ya año y medio que no tiene crisis respiratorias y su alergia desapareció. Estoy muy agradecida, primeramente con Dios por poner en nuestros caminos a personas tan maravillosas como Juan y segundo a él por su esmero y dedicación, por su tiempo por el cariño que nos transmite a traves de una simple cámara y por los maravillosos resultados que hemos tenido en nuestra familia. Mil gracias y que Dios lo siga bendiciendo grandemente.

Name: Aran.
Subject: My experience.
Date: September-2020

I went to meet the web www.homeopatiaonline.net, I scheduled a consultation and bingo, frank and clear improvement from day 1, I was right in choosing the remedy and I was right in style, contact and praxis.

Undoubtedly, unicist homeopathy, and without a doubt, studied and explored with rigor and depth, give good results.

I will not go into dissertation on what vital intelligence understands without effort, and that some minds still passionately endeavor to label, classify, judge and interpret, entangling what is simple and clear.
Fortunately, science is already realizing the benefits of infinitesimal levels. And not only in terms and areas of technology.

In any case, there are paths for all tastes and moments, gentlemen, the interesting thing is that each one searches for himself with freedom and space and understands freedom in the other in the same way.


Not all of us have to feel the same or decide the same to look at and deal with our affairs. And that's not why we are enemies.
Juan sails in these clear and tolerant waters, this is a sign of intelligence and freedom.
I'm not a fan of selling or cheering, but I do want to do my bit here with a truth, that of my own improved process.

For me it is simple: if there are results, I say "yes, go ahead"
If there are no results, I do not repeat.

Juan, thank you very much for your seriousness in your training and for getting it right !! 😄
And thank you very much for your contact, you treat how we humans generally like it.
If they ask me about a homeopath, and I know a few, I'll give them your address. Definitely.
Name: Laura
Subject: Various
Date: September 9, 2020
More than 5 years ago I was the mother of a precious and sought after baby. Good pregnancy, good delivery, very healthy baby, involved father, family ready to help. Everything seemed perfect, but motherhood also awakened latent traumas from my own childhood. I became obsessed with no one harming my baby like I felt I had been harmed. I felt alone trying to be a respectful parenting, while everyone advised me otherwise. This became for me a continuous feeling of "fighting against the world".

I was extremely lucky to be able to be with my son without hardly having to go to work. When my baby was 7 months old, I had my first bronchitis. And so on at the rate of one per year. Each time with antibiotics and inhalers. When my son was almost 2 years old I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I started taking euthyrox50 and ended with euthyrox100. It's "funny" because I had suffered from hyperthyroidism for years, that is, just the opposite, and I had finally gotten back to normal before my pregnancy.

And with 3 years the school arrived. That awakened new traumas in me that I accidentally passed on to my son. Having to leave him there, while my child grabbed me and screamed crying and screaming so that I wouldn't leave, (like this for 3 months), has been the most traumatic thing my son and I have ever experienced in our lives. Also without necessity, since he did not have to go to work. I felt that things should not be like that, but my husband thought that the boy should go to school like everyone else. Between the teacher, the psychologist, my husband and this society that normalizes childhood violence, they convinced me that I was the crazy one. And I believed it. After the first three months, things improved, although not that much. I was still unconvinced and neither was my son. The subject of school almost cost us a divorce.

From then on everything started to get worse. My son almost linked one bronchitis to the next, and I, after taking him, made little more than go home to cry until it was time to pick him up. So two years.

Little by little, for a mixture of all these reasons, and some other, I was entering a very dark energy. Last year I had suicidal thoughts. I would cry a lot for no apparent reason, shopping or things like that. I started to injure myself even slightly. That eased the pain inside me a bit. I felt totally misunderstood. I spent a real fortune in 37 sessions with a psychologist who, although she helped me with some things, could not make me stop feeling like fucking shit (excuse me), every other day. Of course, if I do things that I like, I will feel better, but the problem would not go away. Finally he sent me antidepressants that I refused to take.

Needless to say, my husband and I were going from bad to worse. Lastly, we didn't even celebrate anniversaries anymore. And whatever he said to me a little negative, I plunged into the deepest abyss. I felt that the best thing was to die, since the divorce with a son was not easy, and in a way I sensed that he was not the real problem. But he couldn't find a solution. And she was very sick of suffering so much. Although my son held me back. Very often I thought: "If my son died, I could finally die in peace." Now I remember it and it gives me chills ...

Overall, after trying many alternative therapies, some of which worked more and others less, my sister put me in touch with Juan. I started treating my son for his recurring bronchitis, and finally I listened to him and treated myself too. He began by giving me a remedy with which it seemed that I was feeling somewhat better, more cheerful, but the problem was still there. I felt like I was under a very heavy tombstone, and people were saying to me: "Go outside, you'll see how good it is." "Sure, but with this slab so heavy that I have stuck to my back, I go out a little, and immediately the weight pushes me back into the dark."

Not that I didn't want to. It's that I COULD NOT.

In a new session, Juan indicated another remedy that he considered more suitable for me. And, my friends, this time it totally nailed it. I went for a walk and took it without expecting what I felt at all, which was an absolute liberation. I even raised my arms to breathe. I felt the heavy slab breaking into a thousand pieces, as if it were volatilizing, and an absolutely overwhelming joy came over me. I felt an energy in the middle of my chest, like a light. I look like Ironman, I thought. And I kept feeling it for about 5 more days, also in my back, until it faded. It was liberating.

That same afternoon I went to try a dance class, which I had been thinking about for a long time, but of course there was always something to attend to more important than myself. I was late, the level was difficult, and still nothing could take away my joy. The next day I was so happy that I almost arranged myself as a wedding. It seemed that I had drunk the potion of joy. And I thought: "Will I get over it? Will I return to sad normality?" I didn't realize, after so long in the dark, that normality was what I was feeling right now!

This was over a month ago, and although the emotion of the moment has subsided, the effect has not worn off, because it was not a patch. What homeopathy has achieved has been to heal, to rebalance a bad energy that was literally destroying me little by little. And in one shot! Amazing. I have stopped spending my money on alternative therapies and courses, looking for my inner peace, because I have already found it. This is how I feel right now. In peace. How soon it is said ...

My husband and I finally celebrated our anniversary, and how! in style. Our relationship has improved a lot by not being angry every other day.

That does not mean that suddenly my life is rosy, what it means is that I face the same problems with more empowerment, more calm, and I stop giving importance to what is not important. There are still things that I don't like, that bother me, but they no longer plunge me into misery at all.

I have been lowering the euthyrox medication little by little, from 100, back to 50, and I feel very good.

And with regard to bronchitis, my son's last was 8 months ago, and mine was 18 months ago. My son no longer takes Singulair, and I never did. A few days ago my son and I caught a virus, with a lot of mucus and cough, which is what usually precedes our bronchitis, and we both left the disease in two days without going to the doctor and without taking absolutely anything. Who said that the body does not know how to heal?

I feel like my life has improved exponentially. Of course suicidal thoughts have not dared to appear again in my thoughts. Not self-harm, not anything like that. Of course, everything is much easier that way, without that cement slab in my heart that would not let me live.

At last I breathe, after so long, I am finally ME again. And since the experience is a degree, also in improved version 2.0;)

Name: Cristina
Subject: lactostasis
Date: 27 / August / 2020
I want to share my experience of treating lactostasis with homeopathy. I was breastfeding my daughter for 4 months and once in the morning I woke up with pain in my right breast and there was a redness and inside i felt a tight ball with 1 cm diameter. So I asked Juan to help me, because massages were useless. After interviewing me Juan advised me which remedy I had to take. After few hours I took it, I felt that pain has gone  and the redness wasnt so bright as it was before. I add these photos before and after the remedy as the main proof of homeopathic miracle that happened with me that day. Since the moment I took the remedy the pain has never come back and at the next morning the redness has gone as well and I continue to breastfeed my baby with a great pleasure. Im happy that I decided to ask Juan to help me. It was right decision. He deeply understands the client and how  the homeopathy acts. Actually homeopathy is always a right decision 🙏🏻
Nombre: EVA
Fecha: 19/agosto/2020
"For a skeptical patient like me, it is difficult to trust a health professional, especially when I have had bad experiences.

When I went to Juan for the first time, I did not trust that he would solve my problem, the truth is that I contacted him a bit desperately, but (you know that everything that precedes a but has no value) was talking to him and lower his guard, why? Because Juan listens to you, dedicates the time that is necessary and you feel that you are not a number and finding such a person, today, is complicated. "

So once again I put myself in Juan's hands, once again I fully trust him and once again I have verified that he is still patient, very patient, human and a great professional
Name: Cristina
Subject: Nervious tics
Date: 3/10/2019
In this review, I would like to describe my positive experience in homeopathy treatment.

First, I turned to Juan because of my 6 years old son. He had problems with nervous tics, which had bothered him since 3 years.

After a detailed research of the situation, Juan prescribed a remedy for my son. On the first day after taking the remedy my son had temperature 38 degrees, which indicated that the remedy was prescribed correctly.

And after a while, the tics went completely.

And now my son goes to school, he no longer has this problem, although all the allopathic doctors said that everything will get worse at school, the tics will return, but nothing has happened.

He is absolutely fine because of the right remedy. 

And also few days ago I turned to Juan for help.

My son fell sick and had a severe dry cough. He coughed several times a minute, could not fall asleep, and woke up at night and coughed for several hours in a row.

But immediately after taking the homeopathic remedy, the cough decreased to several times an hour, and my son slept well and calm at night and never woke up. and again thanks to homeopathy and the help of Juan.
Name: Nuria
Subject: Testimony
Date: 7/11/2016
I want to talk about the little homeopathic success that happened the other day with my cat Naya.
I would like to testify to the power of homeopathy to heal, especially with all the doubters who think that homeopathy doesn't work or is just a placebo effect.
The other day my cat got sick, she wouldn't stop going to the bathroom and urinated blood. We phoned a veterinary friend of mine and she told us that she probably had kidney stones and that the problem could only be solved with a course of antibiotics.
Luckily Juan was able to make room for little Naya and he advised me to give her a remedy that fortunately he had within reach. For a couple of days the cat was in aggravation and it was difficult to understand if the remedy was helping her or not.
There was a moment when due to stress I despaired and decided that the next day I was going to take the cat to the vet. Fortunately the next day the cat began to show signs of clear improvement. After a few days the cat was more cheerful and lively than ever, playing with her mice and enjoying the life of a cat - reduced to sleeping, playing and meditating in a cat position :)
It is just a testament to the power homeopathy has to help both people and animals.

Name: Erika
Subject: Neurodermitis
Date: 12/20/2018

I have known Juan for more than two years and my whole family is dealing with him. I thank him very much because he always finds time if necessary. Although we are on the other side of the world. I think the most impressive testimony of what homeopathy and Juan can do is the case of my mom.

She has or had a very severe neurodermatitis for 5 years. Especially in arms and hands. But also on the face and neck. He had another homeopath treated and it helped him a lot. But he always came back in a severe form for some time.
I finally convinced her to make one last try with Juan, because she was already giving up. We started treatment with him in May and now there are no traces of neurodermatitis.
All this road has not been easy. There have been ups and downs. Not only in his skin disease if not in the whole. But now he is a very different person. She is much calmer and happier, she can solve a large part of her problems, and she handles conflicts in a completely different way. Before, everything was reflected on his skin. It was dry, opened with wounds and had discharge.
I always had to wear long sleeves and gloves to avoid direct contact and make everything worse. He had to avoid the sun and heat and that made him leave things that he loved. Now since October there are no visible signs of his illness. You can do whatever you want and you don't have to be careful. His quality of life has improved in a way that he couldn't imagine.
Thank you very much Juan for your patience, for your time and for the encouragement you gave him.

Name: SC
Subject: Testimony
Date: 09/15/2019

I am rewriting these lines to continue reporting on my evolution and to be able to encourage people who have doubts.
Three days ago I made a control visit (5 and a half months of treatment), as always, great treatment by Juan, we were able to analyze what pathologies he was treating with an ophthalmologist (he was considering immediate surgery, cystic styes for some years, treatment prescribed by a doctor 45 days antibiotic , another immediate surgery opinion), with Remedio de Juan totally missing.

Dermatologist (diagnosis: rosacea and eczema, both chronic)
with Juan's remedy, both diseases disappeared (eczema, a very small isolated outbreak).
Otorhino, Surgeon, Urologist, Neurologist, Traumatologist and needed a Psychologist, 8 medical specialties had healed with a single remedy prescribed by Juan, after commenting on a pathology that he believed healed and had worsened (Juan explained to me that he was entering the normal process of treatment) , and later in the consultation (Juan mentioned "interesting") and at the moment he told me that he would study changing the initial treatment for one that could be more suitable for me at the moment but I would study it. EUREKA, at 48 o'clock Juan's message with the new remedy, I will tell you about my evolution, for now I have healed rooted pathologies and many of them diagnosed as chronic.
Homeopathy in Juan's hands works.
Thank you thank you thank you
"I am a 42 year old woman who has not been with homeopathy for a year. I was a smoker for 10 years and I quit 13 years ago. Since I quit I started to have asthma and respiratory problems that I still carry.A friend recommended that I try homeopathy and that's how I met Joan.My symptoms have improved a lot but the best of all is that personally I have changed for the better. I was more reserved, more submissive, I suffered for my son, for everything ... and now I am more myself. I don't suffer so much. I take everything much more calmly. I'm not that anxious about what might happen. I do not know if you understand what I want to say, but personally I am doing well. I am still in treatment and I am seeing results.Homeopathy works !!

Ana, Spain, 2017

“I want to thank the wonderful science of Homeopathy in the person of our healer, thanks to which miracles become reality.
One morning, my child, a girl of 8 years old, woke up with an inflamed swollen and red eye.Our doctor did not give conjunctivitis any chance for development and thanks to the successful appointment, by the evening of the same day, the daughter was completely healthy.
One remedy, one dose and the best healer-the key to our success. 
Thank you very much, Juan!”.

IF, 1/12/2017

“Proximity and empathy, from minute zero.

Warmth and professionalism.
I am delighted in my soul, to have found this excellent homeopath and
I would say, great person.

Thank you for taking care of both my son and me, as no one has done before ”.

Inma, Spain


Name: Miguel
Subject: Generalized anxiety and distress
Date: 03/08/2019

(It is the second time I write in testimonials)

I have been in treatment with Juan for a few months, and I have improved in so many aspects that it is very difficult even for me to believe, but it is the reality. I am capable of doing the small daily things that were impossible for me before: I can play sports, I can go for walks, watch movies ... and everything that a moderately healthy person does without problem. Previously I couldn't, I saw everything black and I thought many times about taking my life. My life was based on trying not to go crazy and not dying ...

Homeopathy gave me hope that I could be cured, but with the previous homeopath I could not recover. I began to suspect that everything I read about homeopathy was a lie, or what is worse: that it did not work for me and that I could never be well again.

With Juan in a short time I have managed to recover. Nor do I want to imply that I am completely cured, because I have been ill for years and the healing is not linear, but I am going in the right direction and with the right Master. I have needed several remedies (for now) to be able to enjoy life again. Each case and each patient is different, but I can confirm that classical unicist homeopathy works as long as it is practiced by a good homeopath such as Juan, who is also a better person. In the consultation Juan is the necessary time, which sometimes takes longer than expected, and outside the consultation he is always aware of you, it is like having a guardian angel by your side.

My recommendation to all those who want to recover or improve their health is that they are encouraged to contact Juan as soon as possible and that they do not take as long to decide as I did. It is unnecessary suffering. I read the testimonials on your website but it took more than a year before I finally decided to take the plunge and ask for an appointment. Before the first appointment we had already spoken by phone several times without any commitment, so do not hesitate to contact him to ask any questions.

I can say that Juan has brought me back to life. Also Inma, who recommended Juan from her own personal experience.


Name: Alfredo
Subject: Recommendation and thanks
Date: 08/01/2019

Through this channel I want to widely recommend Juan Garcia an excellent homeopath who despite the distance (he in Spain and I in Mexico) took my case online and helped me with health problems that had several years of evolution, problems with Sciatica and various ailments, he was very committed to addressing my case with great care, dedication and doing a very deep analysis to find the remedy I needed to improve my health, today I trust him to also take the case from my family who have fortunately had a very favorable action.
Eternally grateful dear Juan, I ask God to continue giving you wisdom, health and to maintain that great dedication towards this noble task of finding healing for those we need most.
Yours sincerely, Dr. ALFREDO A. ARIAS MEXICO

Name: SC
Subject: Various pathologies
Date: 07/20/2019

I write these lines to try to help people who have doubts about homeopathy, I met Juan a few months ago, very correct treatment, very complete visit, he transmits a lot of confidence and you can see that he enjoys his work, my treatment was for various ailments and different pathologies, including emotional, mental, physical etc (that is, it was well served), my surprise was that all this was only treated with a homeopathic remedy, to date I have improved in many of them, despite having had the An inconvenience that Juan, due to my need for a new pathology that came out at the beginning of the treatment, changed the remedy (it helped me a lot), and now I return to the homeopathic remedy that Juan told me was the right one for me.

It is a long road used to cover any health issue with medications and ointments, but I am still amazed at the efficacy of homeopathy treated by the experience of a great person and a great professional like Juan.
Thank you thank you thank you.

Name: Elisabet
Subject: Irritable colon
Date: 07/11/2019

I have known Juan for more than 7 years and I can only praise his virtues as a person and as a Professional of Homeopathy.
My treatment with him in all these years has gone through my chronic Anxiety disorder, my Allergies to different plants, my continuous migraines and now my digestive problems.
In this testimony I am going to describe my detected digestive disorder as well as the solution from Juan's hand.
For a whole month I have been suffering from acute stomach pains with bloating that looked like I was pregnant.
I went to the doctor and he ordered tests to detect possible food allergies (lactose, gluten, Helycobacter Pylori Bacteria) and everything was NEGATIVE.
I continued with my continuous discomfort and came back desperate, and this time the doctor referred me to an ultrasound of the gallbladder and a stool blood test (to rule out that there was no onset of colon cancer). Imagine the concern and anguish that I have experienced before such a possibility of suffering from cancer.
This time the doctor listened with a little more attention to my explanations and already suggested that it could be the Irritable Bowel Disorder.
Both the analysis of the early detection of cancer and the ultrasound of the gallbladder have been normal.
Days before I had already contacted Juan for his consultation and solution to the problem.
Following his long homeopathic experience, and his instincts, he prescribed the homeopathic remedy that he considered appropriate and ... of course, HE WAS SUCCESSFUL !!!, in a few hours he had improved and in a few days I hardly remember the pain.
Remind you that homeopathy works by treating the most recent ailments to the oldest. I always had my digestive problems since I was young. With the help of Juan in all these years we were solving all my health problems until we reached one of the oldest, which was my digestive system.
I will never be grateful enough for Juan's help, for his professionalism, his empathy, his accompaniment during treatment and his humanity.
Thank you for returning my health !!!!
"Hace aproximadamente tres años que mi hijo pequeño ,Pablo, de cinco años en la actualidad, empezó a padecer bronquitis recurrentes con espamos bronquiales , por una alergia muy elevada a los ácaros. Las bronquitis eran muy fuertes ya que nos llevaban a noches enteras sin dormir a causa de la tos incesante, entramos en un bucle de ventolín y antibióticos ya que se complicaban en otitis y tuvimos que incluso drenarle los oídos de tanto moco que tenía. Cada vez necesitaba antibióticos más potentes y sus defensas empezaron a ser muy vulnerables y era mucho más propenso a coger virus y enfermedades , es en ese punto que decidimos parar en seco y retomar otro camino para su situación .
Lo llevamos a Juan, que muy delicada y acertadamente le examinó dándole un remedio que le ayudó enormemente a salir de ese espiral y a restablecer el equilibrio en su organismo, de tal forma que cada vez que tomaba el remedio experimentaba una mejora inmediata y un avance hacia la calidad de su salud , lo que hizo que su situación fuera evolucionando durante dos años a una normalidad y a un reestablecimiento total de su organismo , a día de hoy y después de dos años sin necesidad de ni un solo medicamento, Pablo está en un inmejorable nivel de salud gracias a la homeopatía y a Juan, por supuesto!!.".

Veronica, July 2017

For a few years now, I have been doing treatment with Juan, who has helped me to heal through homeopathy.

Without having to take so many chemical medications, very harmful to our health.

My most common symptoms are: anxiety due to mental and physical fatigue with a feeling of dizziness, instead of having to take tranquilizers, Juan helps me and heals me through homeopathy and his advice and understanding.

These days I have had acute sciatic pain, Juan has been treating me with homeopathy without having to take anti-inflammatories that unbalance my nervous system, he is healing me more deeply allowing the body to heal.

Many thanks juan.

Carol, April 2017

I found Juan by chance, searching the internet, trying to find a magic formula to treat anxiety and hypochondria and, although I know there are no magic formulas, Juan does have, as the song says, "a kind of magic" , his treatment, his professionalism and his PATIENCE, the latter in capital letters.
I have been to homeopaths, doctors, psychologists and I have not obtained good results and I have always had a feeling of total "abandonment" on their part, they do not understand what is happening to you. Sometimes I do not understand how certain health professionals "forget" that we are people and that when we are not well, we are very vulnerable.
But returning to the subject, I am in treatment with Juan and although I know that I am a bad patient (incredulous, distrustful and worst, hypochondriac) he is always there to solve my doubts and my fears. When you are in consultation with him, you feel that the world is standing, that you are being heard and understood.
I have not been around for a long time yet, but I trust that I will get well, that I am on the right track and that Juan has found the remedy because things are already being "removed".

If you are looking for a professional to heal the body, the soul and also "a kind of magic", I recommend Juan.

Eva, Spain

april 2017

Name: Paco
Subject: Urinary infections
Date: 06/04/2019

Throughout my life every time I heard opinions on homeopathy, it was typical. Many spoke wonders to you and others that it did not work for them.

When I saw my sister-in-law how she was cured of a strong urine infection, I did not hesitate to ask for an appointment with her homeopath, in this case it was Juan. I am a paraplegic and this leads to many problems, the main one being frequent urinary infections.

Since I started with homeopathy I have not had them again, sometimes I start with the symptoms but when I take the balls that Juan prescribes for me, I immediately return to normal.

I have to say that the infections I had bothered me a lot, but what worried me the most is that I was already running out of antibiotics, since my body was more and more resistant to these and from the list of antibiotics that there are only me there were 3 that were not resistant.

Then also the problems I have with spasms have not gone away but I have greatly reduced the medication I was taking for this.

Ah !! And the allergy that tormented me every spring this year has been much milder.

Come on, whoever reads my note I recommend that you do not hesitate to try homeopathy that you will see as you get great improvements in your health.

Name: Miguel
Subject: Anxiety and distress
Date: 2/04/2019

I leave my opinion in case it can help someone who is having a bad time. In his day I also read the testimonies and had my doubts, because what some of the patients described seemed like miracles. I contacted Juan thanks to Inma, whom I met thanks to my desperation to find a method to end my generalized anxiety and my mental problems. Only those who have suffered the anguish and despair that come with an anxiety disorder can imagine that suffering.

In just one month of treatment with Juan, my situation has improved dramatically, it is still very difficult to believe. I can return to a normal life and enjoy as I did before, everything I have achieved is priceless. Although, as Juan says, we must be cautious, and we must not claim victory yet, but I have the confidence and the assurance that I am advancing on the right path. They probably have relapses, but I already know that I have Juan and homeopathy to take care of my health.

If you are looking for a solution to your problem or that of a loved one, don't be afraid to contact Juan by mail or by phone. I did it in his day totally desperate and as soon as he could he called me to inquire about my situation, without any commitment. It transmits the calm and clarity that you need and you know that it is always there to help you; you feel protected with him.

There's always hope!

Name: HG
Subject: Various
Date: 03/13/2019

I have been in treatment with Juan for 5 years, for emotional, psychological and even spiritual problems. It is being a long, brave, successful processand very valuable to me; one of the most momentous feats of my life.

Juan is a wonderful companion, thanks to his deep knowledge of homeopathic matter and his professionalism, but above all thanks to his own personal evolution.

He is a magnificent Being with the ability to bring the best of himself to the patient, with closeness and deep understanding of the complexity of the Human Being;

A great scholar and lover of Unicist Homeopathy, always rigorous and scientific, capable of putting all his talents at the service of the patient in all its facets, with
deep love and respect.

From heart thank you!

Name: Carol
Subject: Sciatica and miscellaneous
Date: 10/20/2018

First of all I want to express my gratitude to Juan for his knowledge and his support, to help us with our health problems through Homeopathy, since it allows us to treat many ailments without chemical treatments, taking care of our body and mind.
This summer I have experienced a mixture of symptoms, an inflammation of the citic nerve and rheumatism in my knees, which caused me intense pain, making it difficult especially in the morning to walk when I got up. Through the follow-up with homeopathy and the help of Juan, always with his advice I have been improving, feeling better.

Thank you very much, greetings Juan.

Name: Marga
Subject: Acute biliary colic
Date: 10/15/2018

Hi, I'm Marga, I want to explain my experience with homeopathy through Juan.
On September 6, I suffered an acute biliary colic, as a result of which, once in the Sant Pau hospital, I had a heart attack and had to stay in the semi-critical unit for 3 days.

I had programmed a 24-hour holter since March. to control very strong palpitations especially in the afternoons,. the result of the holter was "ventricular extrasystoles thousands / 24h". This caused me anxiety and exhaustion that I could not lead a minimally normal life, also six days without sleep, day or night and in a month 4 urine infections.
I got in touch with Juan, he had already treated me on other occasions with him, the truth is always finding great improvement. The experience now has been zero urine infection, I sleep very well, and less than 10% of the palpitations, my mood has changed and I have much more energy.
I want to thank Juan again for his professionalism, dedication and availability whenever I need it.
I have been treating my son with homeopathy since we met Juan several years ago, and although I should be used to his wonderful results, it never ceases to amaze me:

Last week my son, who suffers from phimosis, had a very painful abscess on his penis. When they took him to the emergency room, they told us that he was inflamed by pus, and that the next day they would treat him with an antibiotic and make a small incision so that the pus could come out.
That same night, after talking with Juan, we gave him the remedy that he indicated and after two hours the abscess began to drain by itself, calming my son's pain and our restlessness. After 8 hours the abscess had completely disappeared without a trace of pus.

The pediatrician's surprise the next day was huge and she was interested in the “miraculous” recovery of my son. As I told the Pediatrician, we use the diagnostic methods of "normal" medicine out of responsibility, but it is homeopathy that restores both my son and me to health, she told me that she had read about the effect " placebo ”but that such an effect should be ruled out in a young child since, in addition, the remedy had been administered while he was already asleep.

Just express here on the one hand my eternal gratitude once again to Juan for bringing us closer to this noble art of healing that is homeopathy, and my "infatuation" with said "art" because its use, in my case and in that of my son , they have restored us to health and well-being.

Silvia, March 2017

I want to explain my experience with Joan, who in addition to being a great professional and therapist, is a wonderful person whom I admire very much, for his empathy, for his kindness, for his ability to make me reflect and reason, and ESPECIALLY because he loves what he does. he does and does it with all his heart.

It has been since August that I started a homeopathic treatment with Joan. During a long period of my life I have had a lot of mental dispersion, it has been difficult for me to give up something, I have little controlled my sexual impulsivity, it was difficult for me to concentrate, to be focused on only one thing, always living outwards avoiding introspection and these reasons many times They have led me to lose myself on the way.

It was a whirlwind in everything but these behaviors did not allow me to live in serenity with myself.

Since I started the treatment I have begun to see its effects, I have been for a while in which I feel more serenity within me, more harmony, more ability to choose and know how to give up, less impulsiveness, my loquacity is more stable, I have more control over myself sexual appetite. In conclusion, I feel more at peace with myself and I no longer try to escape from my moments of introspection, but rather I experience them with pleasure, learning from each moment.
If someone has identified with my situation with their eyes closed, I encourage you to let yourself be guided by a professional full of humanity like Joan. Everything that you can acquire both from him and from the homeopathic remedy will be to make your life a better life.

Anonymous, March 2017

First of all, I wanted to thank Juan for all the work and dedication he is doing with me and with my almost two-year-old daughter. No matter the time or the day, when we have had an emergency there I was looking for our appropriate treatment and always worried about our symptoms.
I contacted Juan three years ago due to an eczema problem that he had on his face, I had been with another homeopath before but I did not see any results, everything was to try to see what happened, but fate put Juan and Yes, after a treatment and a lot of patience on the part of both of us, the problem disappeared and I was also able to discard all the products with corticosteroids that did nothing but camouflage the problem and that other much worse symptoms appeared
Almost two years ago I gave birth to my little girl with whom Juan has been treating since the first week of life with the happy gases, and yes it also worked, just as it has worked in teething pains and with whom we continue to work her character as tantrums and I'm sure we will too.
A few months ago I suffered a throat infection, they prescribed me an antibiotic and in desperation I decided to take it, in two days psoriasis broke out all over my body and it is the last thing we were working on. I had another new throat infection a week ago accompanied by a lot of pain in the glands of the neck, as I knew the effect that the last antibiotic had on me, I decided to contact Juan and the improvement that I noticed after ten minutes was incredible, not only in the throat , I noticed improvement in my psoriasis problem.
I advise you to put yourself in his hands, because I have tried another homeopath but Juan not only treats the problem you are going for, he goes deeper and I am sure that if we describe the symptoms we have well, he will find the exact medicine.
Thanks again.

Elena, February 2017

Name: Mari Cruz
Subject: Dental infection
Date: 9/10/2018

"In these last days when we are hearing so much news against homeopathy and homeopathic remedies, today I want to make a defense of it, leaving my testimony of how it has cured me.
I have known Juan for a few years and that I deal with him through homeopathy. It has helped me in many ways with physical and emotional ailments, but they were almost always a bit long processes in which the changes occurred little by little.
But I recently had an episode of infection in a tooth and, I have to admit that maybe I let too long pass before telling Juan to help me, so the infection was already very advanced, so much so that I could hardly speak or eat .
When he contacted me, he had already started taking an antibiotic because he was in a lot of pain, although I preferred not to take it.
Juan prescribed the appropriate remedy for me after analyzing my case and only in the first taking did I notice the improvement, and in the second the pain, the inflammation stopped completely and the phlegmon that had also come out, began to go down.
Of course I stopped taking the antibiotic, which I only took for one day, and realizing that I was healing so quickly after how bad I had been the previous days, I was amazed.
In addition, I not only healed physically, but emotionally and at the energy level it was like "flourishing".
So I have to say that, from my experience, homeopathy, along with a good diagnosis and a good therapist, is capable of healing.
Every time I am more happy to have known this therapy and to our dear homeopath Juan. A million thanks."
Name: Anonymous
Subject: Cystitis
Date: 12/09/2018
Since I tried homeopathy through Juan, I have had no doubts about its effectiveness. I meet many people who talk to me about the placebo effect, that homeopathy has no scientific basis and a long list of reasons that do not serve me because I have experienced the benefits of homeopathy, both on a psychological and physical level. , and my experience is irrefutable.
Last Tuesday I was admitted to the emergency room with a urine infection that was already rising to the kidneys, the pain in the area was very strong and I was scared. The urinalysis revealed more than 25 red blood cells per field, which effectively indicated that he had an infection. In the emergency department they prescribed an antibiotic before I even knew which was the bacteria that affected me since we did not have the results of the culture yet.

Once again I trusted Juan and after several takes of the remedy that he considered appropriate, on Thursday my urine values had dropped to 3-4 red blood cells per field, that is, normal values and I am still fully recovered.
There are no words to thank once again for your dedication, patience, affection and above all your professionalism. He has spent nights without sleep, watching over me, trying to mitigate my discomfort and for my healing to be as fast and effective as it has finally been.
Name: Silvia
Subject: Bulimia
Date: 07/17/2018
I have been treating myself with Juan for more than 8 years, and he has already become more than a therapist a friend, since my ailments have been disappearing and my consultations have been spaced from year to year, sometimes being an excuse to see us and do review of everything that, fortunately I have left behind.
However, on some occasions, there is still a small health problem that I do not hesitate to consult you, such as a bronchitis 15 days ago or a stye 10 days ago. The symptoms of bronchitis disappeared 48 hours after starting treatment and the stye, same.
Homeopathy not only cured my bulimia, urinary tract infections, insecurities, sadness and other ailments that made my life not flow with the peace that I longed for, but it has changed my life.
I am an improved version of myself, more balanced, happier, with fewer banal worries, in short, I see everything from another perspective and that vital force made homeopathy emerge. I had a difficult time, but with the necessary patience I gradually detached myself from many layers under which my true self resided.

I can only recommend to those people who believe that there is no solution for theirs to contact Juan because he has a way of understanding his work, and above all of empathizing with the person who sits before him that makes everything worthwhile.
Nombre: Inma
Asunto: Depresión- Ansiedad
Fecha: 2/5/2018
At the beginning of the treatment, about a year ago, I left a written testimony about my experience with homeopathy (a new discipline for me, at that time) and with Juan.
But I consider that at that time, since the remedy had still only begun its journey through my body and my psyche, I fell short.

Throughout this time, I have seen tachycardia, which accompanied me for decades, disappear from my life, hypochondria (it has not completely disappeared, but it no longer interferes in my day to day) and other minor anomalies, which made me life a little hell.

Anecdotally, because at no time had I mentioned it to Juan, I also remember that one day I observed that my knees (affected by osteoarthritis) had practically recovered their original shape, when until then they showed a noticeable swelling - if these are the "effects secondary "of homeopathy, I thought, I don't even want to imagine, what the primary ones would be like.

Until, at this point, I am already discovering them. I asked Juan for a better life, without so much suffering, and I can assure you that the wish has been granted. Of course I find myself with pitfalls, but it is the way to face them, which has varied.

I do not want to fail to mention that the main reason for my consultation was not me, but my son, who is 20 years old. I will not exactly detail his physical problems, because I think he should do that, but I can assure you that the person who came to the consultation at that time, and the boy he is today, logically maintaining -as everyone- his idiosyncrasy, is another person. From literally doing nothing, brooding over his problems, he has gone - thanks also, logically to the fact that the physical manifestations have disappeared - to study, work, and have illusions and future projects.

I encourage anyone who does not know what to do with his life, who conventional medicine does not solve his problems, who suffers without knowing what to do with himself, to try it. I myself, I came without great expectations, tired of wandering through many private medicine practices of traditional doctors.

You will find a person, very prepared, humble, who loves what people do and what they do. That he does not give up, and that he ends up finding the solution, that he listens to you as well as listening to you, that he accompanies you in the process, using his free time, since if any doubt or problem arises, he is permanently offering his support from the distance.
My gratitude to Juan will be eternal.
Name: Anonymous
Subject: Cough
Date: 04/27/2018
My 76-year-old mother with a very bad cold is improving a lot since she started treatment with Juan.

She was desperate and stuck in an acute cold with a lot of mucus and continuous and very strong coughing fits from which she did not come out, she was very weak, dizzy, exhausted and did not leave the house. He had a tendency to a chronic cough, but this acute process was being very strong and long and there was no prospect of improvement. He was taking a lot of natural remedies and cough syrup that he stopped taking because it didn't work.

After a month like this, the homeopathic treatment begins and on the first day there is already improvement and finally the frequency and intensity of the coughing attacks begins to decrease.

After 9 days I already had energy, courage and desire to go out and get active again, the intensity and duration were much less

Now at 3 weeks the coughing spells are already much milder, tolerable and scarce. He continues in the process in which, at the same time, his blood pressure is improving at times by skipping a dose of the blood pressure pill because he does not need it.

I am very grateful to Juan, I was desperate seeing my mother so bad with coughing fits that scared and for me it was a relief to see her so calm with courage and energy as she is now. Thanks Juan for being there.
Name: AMC
Subject: Warts
Date: 04/10/2018
Mi hijo de 10 años, hace un año empezó con unas verrugas en 4 dedos de las manos. A pesar que hace años que nos hemos decantado por la homeopatía que además nos ha dado fantásticos resultados, de vez en cuando seguimos cometiendo el error de recurrir a la medicina convencional…y en este caso así lo hicimos….¿por qué? No tiene respuesta…por dejadez…por estupidez….no se….lo que está claro es que fue un ERROR….. Si es que ya dicen que el hombre es el único animal capaz de tropezar dos veces con la misma piedra !!!

Por prescripción médica estuvimos cada noche durante meses (creo que al final llegó a ser medio año) con una lija de uñas limando las verrugas y luego poniéndole un líquido para quemarlas….las verrugas remitían pero nunca del todo….llegó un momento que las yemas de esos dedos se percibían abrasadas. Entonces reposamos del tratamiento y cuando la piel de los dedos volvieron a estar bien, retomamos el tratamiento con igual penosos resultado.
Y entonces hicimos lo que tendríamos que haber hecho desde el principio….recurrir a la homeopatía que tan brillantemente practica Juan….y en tan sólo 1 MES las verrugas desaparecieron por COMPLETO….sin limar los dedos…sin líquidos abrasivos….sin química…..
….. Realmente es indiscutible que la homeopatía funciona !!!!!!
Name: Carmen
Subject: Amigdalits
Date: 06/03/2018
I have been in treatment with Juan for about 3 years for a subject in which I already left testimony some time ago, but during these years I have also been treating other subjects that have been coming out with Homepathy and always with success. Today I want to give testimony of the last treatment that we have done for a very strong tonsillitis that I have had. I must say that to this day I am still somewhat "incredulous" about homeopathy and its effects, and that I have been taking it for years and with great results, but my nature is unfortunately like that, I get very scared when I have a disease, even if it's silly and I'm also a very bad patient. I want to emphasize the latter because Juan has always had and has infinite patience with me, really, sometimes it is to feed me separately and he is always there encouraging me that I am going to recover.
And so it has been! as I say, the picture started with a fever the first days and with enough plates of pus. Those of you who have passed them know very well that it is a very painful and infectious subject in which if you go to the doctor they give you antibiotics with all that that entails. In my case also, being in treatment for this other issue, we risked going backward in my healing process and it is something that neither of us wanted, because it has not been an easy path and sometimes it is still complicated. But as I say, I came to consider taking the antibiotic because I was afraid that the infection would go up to the ear (because it already hurt, including my teeth and I had a swollen lump under my jaw). So once again I put myself in the hands of Juan! The first 48 hours the first thing that disappeared was the fever, so at least I could sleep a little better and I did not have so much muscle pain ... the issue of pain when swallowing lasted a few more days, because as I say I had a lot of infection. But immediately I saw that the plates on the left side disappeared first (it started on the right), and as I was taking the different remedies, the plates on the right side disappeared and as that happened I could eat with some normality ! the first days I could hardly swallow liquids.

In total, I was fully recovered in a week, then I had residual neck pain that lasted for a few more days but now without infection or hardly any inflammation. That is the time it also takes to recover a picture like this with antibiotics, so I am very happy to have trusted Juan again and in his ability as a homeopath, because as I said, I was about to throw in the towel on many occasions and I'm glad I didn't. And yes, to everyone who I explain it they do not give credit, and there are still some who tell me that it is a placebo effect ... well I tell these people that an infection will not go away no matter how much I suggest, it is an infectious process and bacteria and viruses do not understand placebos.

So I only have words of thanks to Juan for everything he has helped me all these years and he continues to do so, my body appreciates it and my mind also. I encourage you to try it, only then will you know what this medicine can bring to your lives. I only have words of thanks, and as a therapist Juan is excellent.

Health for all.
Name: Sonia
Subject: Testimony
Date: 12/23/2017
As the pianist caresses the keys of his piano evoking endless melodies, I manipulate the buttons of my keyboard so that the echo of my voice reaches you.
We are all born with a blank book, whose pages must be written, no one tells us how or why, but after the journey of our life everything that happens to us is carved into each one of them.
And it is only when a stroke of bad luck, an illness, the suffering of a loved one, the feeling of the misfortune of others, that bad behavior that is repeated day after day, a not knowing why this happens to me, makes us braking hard, and without your wanting it, without your asking, questioning what one day we saw as normal, we browse slowly, without pause, letting time pass, the pages of our book.
In them I can read, the cold and distant loneliness that surrounds me in the failure of not being able to move on and full of resentment towards God, towards others, towards myself, I cannot understand the reason for my sorry existence.
I surrender submissive to fear, to which, I allow it to be the protagonist of each of the moments of my day to day and sadness emanates from within in its most grotesque version of selfishness. Without letting me see, that an anxious insecurity accompanies cowardice and together they engender pain, that grows in a condemnation that minute by minute devastates my soul and I share without regard, great doses of suffering, to those whom I really love, well, oppressed chest does not understand reason.
The anguish, the anxiety, the tears running down my face, I don't want to continue reading the pages of this book, which I decided to write.
I did not come into the world to become a victim of my unconsciousness, it is unfair to lose every day that has been given to me, without savoring it, without understanding life in all its symphonies.
I turn to the next page and I find myself with only one more page, waiting in silence to be written….
People, animals, music, a gesture, a caress, a whisper, everything that surrounds me, have allowed me to discover that there is nothing impossible. It is as simple as believing in yourself, believing that you have the courage to write on that blank page and only you are the author.
It is a power and a gift that has been given to us, that we all carry imprinted in our being, we just have to know its language.
Unicist homeopathy has been the ink that has run through my veins, my arteries, my vital organs, and each one of my precious and wonderful cells.
She has been in charge of rewriting my pages to make sense of them and create new chapters.
Without homeopathy, without it, I would not have been brave enough to face myself, that monster I was becoming, the victim of my own abuse.
She has given me the key so that I have the opportunity to open each of the doors that were closed there, moldy by the passage of eternity. To face every cloud, to conceive and glimpse that everything is inside me.
It has helped me find the balance, so that navigating within my emotions is easy, but the most wonderful of all is that we have done it together, she and I, side by side, homeopathy and I united for the same purpose.
It has given me the possibility of witnessing live and direct, each stage, each rehearsal, each staging.
It has allowed me to laugh and cry, to scream with anguish and joy, to lose myself in my nightmares and wake up in my dreams, and for that alone I bow to so much wisdom.
With these words I do not want to convince, I do not pretend to believe that homeopathy is the panacea and that Juan García, a unicist homeopath, has the solution to all our problems. No, it is not.
I just want to convey to you the feeling that when one is determined to change, to heal his wounds, to walk the path of happiness, and ultimately to feel that life is to live, there is no greater gift than to find people like In my case, it has been Juan, who loves his profession, who allows the wisdom of homeopathy to reach everyone who needs it, who with his perseverance guides you step by step, so that you find your balance, and be reborn again. your ashes.

Thanks to her, thanks to you homeopathy,

I have released from his prison who I really have always been,

who in my present I am and I am proud every day more and more

and now I know for sure

that nothing and no one will prevent

that I achieve my goals and

my dream of continuing to live until the day I die,

I write on my blank pages ...
Nombre: Noemi
Asunto: Testimonio
Fecha: 15/12/2017
Well, I really don't know very well how to begin to explain what I currently feel, since I have gone through somewhat complicated moments and in which I have also had a lack of understanding for some people, so the feeling is even worse, even becoming uncomfortable .
My problem was that one day overnight I had great problems being able to eat, that is, I had difficulty swallowing any type of food, I even reached the point where I could not swallow even a soup or a cream of vegetables, for example, at that very serious moment when I saw that I did not dare to eat anything at all was when I thought I needed immediate help.

I have to say that before making the decision to go to Juan, my first thought was that I had something in my throat, since sometimes I noticed something and of course I first went to conventional medicine to comment that I had problems swallowing food and that I had the sensation of having something in my throat, therefore they did different specific tests, first they referred me to the laryngologist for an examination, then the digestive system requested an endoscopy, then they did the barium porridge test and finally they made me a tac. In none of these tests did they see anything and the last digestive doctor who saw me told me that it must be an anxiety problem, that it was in the neck area and that is why it affected me when it was time to eat or swallow food.

At that time I still did not put myself in Juan's hands, since I thought that maybe on my own I could try to improve by avoiding eating some foods, drinking less coffee, or trying to be calm so that at mealtime the fact that eat.
So I let it pass, there I ate well, with little discomfort when eating, but it was not such a serious situation, until over the months I already spoke with a relative who is of great help to me when I have a health problem and He told me to forget about going to other doctors and that Juan could help me with homeopathy and from that moment it was when I began to seriously consider starting another type of medicine and trying my luck with Juan and the treatment that he indicated and considered appropriate.

When I started with Juan, the first consultation I have to say was very positive for me, since he dedicated several hours of his time to getting to know me better and thus being able to determine what type of treatment would suit me best according to my symptoms and my way of being in general. (something that surprised me, since I have never had a consultation with a private or public doctor who dedicates me so much time), for which I am very grateful, since I have been with the same treatment since I started and have progressively progressed, until the point that my problem has practically disappeared, from not being able to eat anything at all, I have gone to eat more and more, stop eating only liquids, yogurts, etc., each time I have been more able to eat more food and introduce them to my diet, since before starting with Juan it was impossible for me to eat them, due to the type of texture or whatever, it was impossible for me to swallow the vast majority of foods.

The first days and the first weeks of treatment there were times that it seemed that it was advancing and other days that it was going backwards and it was more difficult for me to eat, but I imagine that it is part of the healing process or the magic of homeopathy to heal the person's problem from within . Little by little the treatment has been doing its job and every week I have been noticing certain changes in terms of being able to eat more food, since I reached the point where it was impossible to eat it, even if I felt like it or was hungry, so sometimes I resorted to eating yogurts or things that would fit me more easily, but as the weeks went by, it was less difficult for me to eat other, more solid things and that made me think that the treatment that Juan had given me was healing me and was being effective.

I must also say that when I tried to eat, for example, a paella or some food according to what I was eating, I had to stop eating with a feeling of not being able to swallow the food or that it had stayed on my palate and did not go down, a terrible anguish, that little by little it has left me and now fortunately it does not happen to me anymore, so I still had a tremendous fear of eating and that is what happens to me when eating away from home, I still have that to overcome 100% and also remove fear, since in a bar or restaurant you are not alone and anxiety may increase because it is not a typical way of eating and it costs if you still feel observed (to the people who happen to us), but at least the The progress is quite significant and that makes me happy, since I do not have a bad time as before starting the treatment when I have to eat.

Currently after 6 months of continuous treatment with Juan I am much better, like everything else, it is true that I do it slowly, I must continue and not lower my guard, I have completely changed my previous diet, now I eat a lot of vegetables, breakfast juice with fruits natural every day, I do not drink anything that contains caffeine, and of course if I want to eat something sweet I try to avoid it as much as possible and in that case I buy products from herbalists avoiding sugars, white bread, wheat flour, etc. All this kind of foods that sooner or later damage our body, even if we don't realize it. Food is the basis of everything and the most important thing, since if you eat a good healthy diet in the end you will notice that you will get better, and it is also what has served me together with Juan's treatment, which is the main reason why which I have practically recovered my health, since for me eating was a nightmare and I could even spend 3 hours eating and if I could eat it. A daily suffering that did not let me live in peace. As if that weren't enough, I couldn't go anywhere to eat either, since it's a pretty bad time and it overwhelmed me so much that I had to take the food home, I still need to finish polishing it at this point, since I've gotten a little scared to eat out that I still have to try little by little until I return to a completely normal life as I did before having this anxiety problem.

Of course, if someone else is experiencing something similar to mine, do not hesitate to start with Juan but you are clear about which doctor to go to and you are not interested in wasting time and money. I certainly recommend Homeopathy with Juan, because I left be guided by my health guide who is my brother and thanks to him I have been lucky enough not to be wandering around from one doctor to another and throwing money away without improving, so the best thing you can do if you read these lines is to give one step and that Juan tells you what remedy you can do well.

Grateful is little, so I hope this testimony helps many people, since I know very well that it goes very badly and for that reason I would love to be able to help more people who do not know what to do or where to go.

Thank you very much Juan, I appreciate all your help and your time!
I want to share my experience in homeopathy with Juan so that I can help other people who, like me, were looking for someone who could help me with my many problems. I came across Juan by chance looking on the Internet and like others it was more desperation to find a solution to my problems than the certainty that someone could really help me.
I have been with anxiety problems, allergies of all kinds, fears, insecurities, insanity, fatigue, etc for many years and with many different techniques or specialists (acupuncture, psychologists, polar balance, etc.) with few results and with the economic cost that this entails .

I have been undergoing treatment with Juan for a year and I have to say that I am very happy and satisfied with how my health is going, in general I have improved a lot although I know that I still have a long way to go. I have to say that sometimes I can feel anxious to improve faster and faster (so many years with my problems) but Juan helps me to be patient with his closeness and dedication at all times.
Thank you Juan for knowing how to understand me in my worst moments, for your help and for your time.

Juan, January 2017

Hello, I have a 3 month old baby and about one and a half ago I started treating him with homeopathy.

My baby from day 12 of life began with digestive problems (I gave him exclusive breastfeeding), the dreaded colic? Well, it is assumed, although she was 24 hours pressing, complaining and could be more than a week without pooping. After trying everything on the market and giving him massages several times a day, to no avail, I thought about contacting Juan, who had already treated me a few years ago and he was great.

The first day I started the treatment, 15 minutes after giving it, she started to get a lot of gas, all in a row, and she fell asleep !! I was hallucinating !!! Why didn't I think about it before ??? !! ?? For those who think it could be a coincidence, this improvement happened every time he gave the treatment. We managed to space the shots and he even pooped 3 a day, wonderful!

Now I have switched to mixed breastfeeding and when introducing powdered milk it has gone back a bit, but we are already improving again with Juan's help.


December, 2016
I want to comment on another of my extraordinary experiences with Juan's treatments through homeopathy.

I have been treating myself for a long time for various health issues, with which I am very happy. but now I want to comment on my last experience, which was yesterday. More than a week ago I noticed a constipation at the lower vein level that was worrying me a lot, because I have already suffered two pneumonia, I noticed that I needed to cough and could not, I had wheezing in my chest and it also hurt, and the little cough I had was Very dry.

I decided not to go to the traditional doctor because I didn't want to gorge myself on antibiotics as I knew I was going to be, and I got in touch with Juan. He took care of me as always immediately and with great interest, even though I knew he was saturated with work, and he gave me a remedy ..... I have to say that literally 10 minutes after having taken it, he coughed three or four times. and I was able to expectorate and ..... miracle all the discomforts have disappeared and I am like a flower.

Thanks Juan for your interest, your dedication and your dedication.


September, 2016
Name: Anonymous
Subject: Testimony
Date: 2/10/2017
I would like to report my experience after using homeopathy for otitis.
By training, I am an osteopath, I know the anatomy of my body quite well, and from previous experiences unfortunately I can say that I know this type of pathology.
The pain caused by an alleged infection and obviously mucus saturation in the eustachian tube was very significant.
It radiated to my jaw and other bones in my face. At the same time he felt punctures behind his ear. He had evidently lost part of his right ear hearing.
As I said before, about 5 years ago I had suffered a similar one and I knew of the suffering that this type of ailment entails.

I had to end up treating the previous otitis with corticosteroids as it ended up being complicated by facial paralysis on the same side as otitis.
With this I went to homeopathy.

I took the homeopathic medicine first at a low potency, at 30 ch.
From the first moment I noticed that the pain was increasing, a clear sign that the remedy was working.
From the second hour I noticed that the pain was decreasing and by 3 hours the discomfort had been 30-40% less than at the beginning.
At 4 o'clock I repeat the dose of 30 ch. This does not have the effect of the first and therefore I move to the 200 ch.
Already at night, as I still had some pain and could not sleep continuously, I was staring at how the action of the remedy was being accomplished. He noticed how the retained fluid (mucus) was moving and this automatically relieved the pain. Gradually the pain went down.
It was located at an intensity of less than half than at the beginning.
When the pain became a little more intense, 5 hours after the 200 ch dose, I took 3 g of the same dilution again.
The same goes for the 30 ch. It does not have the same effect as the first and therefore I pass to the 1 thousand k.
And with this the same thing happens again as with the 200 ch. I experience pain relief as I experience the mucus moving.

After a few hours the pain was almost 10%

Within 24 hours after the onset of symptoms he could already lead a normal life.
Name: AMC
Subject: Testimony
Date: 09/18/2017

I am very little given to participating in things like that and I think I am wrong because if homeopathy has brought me so many benefits, why not divulge my experience so that the more people can benefit the better?! .... Well here I go :

In fact, I took the path of homeopathy out of despair and frustration when I saw that with conventional medicine, the recurrent bronchial problems of my children were not only NOT solved but they also inflated my two children with very strong medications, based on corticosteroids ( at that time 3 and 5 years).

My children caught one bronchitis after another with an average recurrence of a new bronchitis every 15 days. After a WHOLE year with basic treatment of SINGULAIR without working, each new bronchitis involved antibiotics, mucolytics and budesonide (inhaler) causing them lack of appetite, weakness etc ... a recurring spiral from which we could not get out ....

And then we learned about the homeopathy practiced by Juan and, with time and CONSTANCE, the definitive cure arrived !!!!

At the beginning, despite not being the most effective or convenient way, while we began to give them homeopathy we also continued to give them the usual conventional medication ...

Over time we realized that the recurrence of bronchitis was distancing itself in time (it took many more weeks for a new bronchitis to appear) and we also realized that, when we became confident that homeopathy worked and was not a false word, then, little by little, we were able to withdraw 100% conventional medication and cure bronchitis with ONLY 100% homeopathy.

To this day, bronchitis is part of the past and the homeopathy of the present to which we always resort when some ailment enters our home.

This is an OBJECTIVE and REAL data.

If to this brilliant result, medically speaking, we add Juan's humanly exquisite treatment ... the set is wonderful !!!
Hopefully my testimony can be of use to more than one person to be able to help because I know very well how bad it is when a child becomes ill and the solution is not found!

Thanks Juan for your time and your wisdom !!
Name: Luz Mery
Subject: Huge Appreciation to Homeopathic Medicine
Date: 7/09/2017
Hello, I am a grandmother, who I am and will always be immensely grateful to Mr. Juan for his generosity and great heart because despite the difficulties he made an effort to connect online and treat my 16-year-old grandson who was living an old life. ; he had many ailments of bones, fevers and decays. He did not have the strength to get out of bed, he could not study or work, always with migraines.
In our country he was only medicated with painkillers that did little to relieve him. Desperately, I asked for help from a WhatsApp group to which Oscar belongs and I do not hesitate to recommend and collaborate in everything so that we could get in touch with this wonderful homeopath who thanks to his great wisdom my grandson is already fully cured, and with a very economical treatment .

People who are ill do not hesitate to get in touch; They will see how they recover their health and the joy of living since without health we are nothing.

May God bless you greatly.

Name: Sonia
Subject: Testimony
Date: 07/04/2017
Before writing my comment, I want to clarify that I had never been to any homeopath and that I have always followed traditional medicine.

I have known Juan for only 8 months, although it is not a long time I want to write to say that I have never felt so understood with correct and real answers to all my concerns, doubts and health problems in addition to giving me a totally correct treatment, as when I'm going to visit with Juan.

Apart from being a great person, he lives the profession so intensely that I think that is what makes him so exact in his remedies.Not everyone can do the great work he does with his patients since James surrenders to any problem without finding a solution or improvement asap.

Well, my problem was that since I was 14 years old I have suffered a menstrual syndrome that left me almost every month incapacitated to be able to lead my life with normality both personally and at work since I had an endless number of quite acute symptoms such as: migraine, changes of constant mood, aggressiveness, great anxiety, dizziness, tachycardia, etc.

I am currently 49 years old and I can promise you that since I was 14 years old I have been to many doctors and specialists without counting the products that I have tried without obtaining any positive results. I have spent a lot of money to find myself the same or worse.

Well, thanks to the fact that I met Juan, currently I have already noticed a great improvement and even with a release or security that I no longer remembered having. The truth is that I sometimes think that it cannot be that homeopathy can make these changes in a person since in traditional medicine there was no solution.

I am sure that I will put many more comments to help people like me who did not know about this alternative therapy; do not hesitate to contact this great professional and person that is Juan.

It sure will help you.
Thank you very much Juan for everything; do not ever change.
Name: E. Louise
Subject: Testimonial
Date: 5/09/2017

Another successful treatment that was given to me by Juan.
Always suffering from back pain for most of my adult life but nothing could prepare me one day just getting out the shower and doing a very small movement that put my back out for longer than normal, almost 2 weeks.
The first day was painful but the next day I could hardly move, it was a combination of Sciatic pain and muscular and my legs wouldn't support my upper part when trying to get up from a sitting position, the pain and also different positions became unbearable. 
I contacted Juan and described my symptoms. We started a treatment with my normal constitution remedy. After a few days, I felt a little improvement but was still finding it hard to get up or while I was sitting I had to move because it improved the pain, so Juan changed the remedy.
I did go and see a physio to see if she could help because I felt like I had a knot in my buttocks area, at first I noticed a difference but as the hours passed, the pain came back. Juan changed the remedy again but with an uncommon remedy and the change was incredible, my movement was a lot easier, I could get up without help and over the days the pain improved and then disappeared! 
It was such a relief and I had no doubt that with a bit of patience, a good homoepath like Juan, his experience and thoroughness, I would be back to normal in no time!
Always having good results with homeopathy but not just homeopathy, important to find a homeopath like Juan with all his experience and commitment is fundamental.
Best wishes.
Name: Sonia
Subject: Testimony
Date: 07/14/2017
Hello, I want to share with all the people that we never thought of homeopathy as an alternative for our ailments, the case that my 18-year-old son, his father and I experienced of the effectiveness of these substances that on the street say they are balls with sugar.
Well, my son had tonsillitis with a good patch of pus causing him a lot of pain when he swallowed and a ganglion in the part of his neck that also caused discomfort. Juan, how could it be otherwise, prescribed a class of remedies and in three days the pus and inflammation disappeared.

Like how many of you will stay, I could not believe it, since with the symptoms that my son presented, it would only have occurred to me to resort to the antibiotic.

With this I want to convey the message that homeopathy and - in this case a good professional like Juan - are substances that respond perfectly to any health problem without producing any side effect on our body.

Thank you again Juan.
Name: Patricia
Subject: Testimony
Date: 05/19/2017
I am 31 years old and until a year ago I was totally reluctant to treat myself with any other type of medicine that was not conventional. My mother "forced" me to try homeopathy because I saw all my health problems every day that the doctors did not solve: I lived with daily anguish and anxiety, extreme exhaustion, palpitations, insomnia, intestinal problems, continuous colds, alopecia ... After thousands of tests in hospitals, analytics and all the correct results, this was the diagnosis of the digestive specialists, infectious units and the dermatologist: irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome and androgenic alopecia. What is my treatment? I asked the doctors. This was his answer: lead a quiet life, take care of diet, play sports, take pills for life to sleep and for alopecia there is no solution (put on a wig when my hair is gone). My life was more than quiet! I ate healthy, did sports, ... what else could I do? there was no treatment for me.

After eight months of treating myself with homeopathy in which the results were very positive, I had a relapse, I got sick again for a month and I could not find a homeopath who could find my medication. I returned to not being able to sleep, to that exhaustion that left me unable to lead a normal life ... I met Juan through his page and thanks to him and in a single consultation he has given me life and the joy of living. I have recovered my vitality, I can work, go out every day, practice my hobbies, travel, ... I have recovered happiness.
I have learned that all my illnesses were only the consequence of so many years of allopathic medication. Each specialist treated me one disease to provoke another from another specialist. And each time the diseases were more serious and without solution ...
It is a pity that it is a medicine so unknown and at the same time so unfairly criticized in this country, BECAUSE IT REALLY HEALS. Despite hearing harsh criticism against professionals and consumers, I only hope that at some point Spain can learn from neighboring countries to advance and provide a quality health service to its inhabitants.
- Homeopathic medicines are used in more than 80 countries around the world
- More than 100,000 doctors in the world prescribe homeopathic medicines to more than 300 million patients
- In England there are 5 homeopathic hospitals
- In Belgium and France the Public Health pays homeopathic expenses. In addition, in France it is used by 40% of the inhabitants
I started by writing that a year ago I did not "believe" in homeopathy or any other type of alternative medicine. To this day I can only say that I hope many people with health problems can read this testimony and find a good homeopathic professional like Juan to help them regain health.
Name: Carmen
Date: 10/23/2016
Today, after a long time, I want to leave my testimony since I have been in treatment with Juan. It's been more than a year since I decided to go to Juan for a second opinion, since at that time he was being treated by another homeopath. The first thing I want to emphasize is that from day one he has been a very attentive person, who has taken an interest in my case as if it were the only one and who has always tried tirelessly to find a solution. As a patient I am one of those who could be said ... an overly critical and distrustful person by nature. Many of our sessions have been based on knowing ourselves better as people, because it is the only way to really get to the bottom of the problems, and I recognize that with me it is not an easy task mainly due to my fear for health. So he has always had a lot of patience, trying to get closer to this medicine than today, I still consider it very complex and mysterious and I find it difficult to understand how it works.

But I want to be brief and at the same time that I can serve others to improve their health and quality of life. I am currently in treatment for a myofascial syndrome in the pelvic floor, that is, an internal contracture that I have been dragging on for more than a year. Besides the treatment with Juan, I am combining homeopathy with a rehabilitation with a physiotherapist specialized in these cases. It has been very hard, and to this day it continues to be when the pain peaks return, something common in these cases.

But I want to emphasize that homeopathy is not serving in my case only for pain control or for the symptoms to temporarily disappear, but thanks to Juan, we are delving deeper into my own being to try to work on these issues than in myself. They can cause a pathology or pain to be perpetuated, which moves my body to manifest certain symptoms, complexes, phobias or fears, that invisible pattern that exists in each of us and that makes us unique, as well as moves us to manifest certain emotions and symptoms, and that is where Juan delves into being able to give the appropriate remedies to each person so that he can regain his mental health, and consequently, our physical health. Because one thing is clear, mind and body go together, and if we do not introspect ourselves to try to understand what moves us to do certain actions or behaviors, we will never get to the bottom of our problems. It seems something simple to see, but personally due to my way of being, it is something that even today I find it difficult to understand, sometimes I still separate that invisible line between body and mind and I continue to blame the body for the suffering it causes me without to think that perhaps it is also my own responsibility and that I am a key part of this recovery, not only leaving my own recovery in the hands of Juan or the physiotherapist, no, Juan is teaching me that life does not work like that, that we are mainly we who must "pull the wagon" and be strong and brave enough.

It is a lesson that to this day I have not yet learned, and that is where only people like Juan persevere in continuing to help you. To this day I continue to express the same fears and insecurities towards health, but I try to trust the work I do with Juan so that over time they disappear, and I have to say that in the past, the pathology that I am having has a very direct emotional impact, I would not carry it in the same way that I carry it today if it were not for the help of homeopathy at the hand of Juan.

I want to end by saying that during this time there have been other minor situations that have been resolved with homeopathy. So to those who doubt, feel lost and discouraged because they cannot find a solution to their problems, I encourage them to try this medicine from Juan's hand, they have nothing to lose and much to gain. And never throw in the towel. Someone once told me that "giving up is not an option" and I think he is right, you always have to look for all the solutions available and to have to have a better quality of life, because we all deserve that well-being.

Thank Juan for his work with homeopathy, since he has helped me a lot.

He had been taking antidepressants, 40 mg daily, and anxiolytics for more than 10 years.

Since I have been dealing with Juan, I am taking only 10mg, and I feel very good !!

I have excellent analytics, perfect blood pressure.

Thanks Juan for your help and dedication.

A hug

Rita, April 2016

I went to Juan to discuss a topic of my daughter's fears as well as aallergy to pollens, because allopathy no longer gave me solutions.Fifteen days after starting the treatment, severe pain occurred
ears that produced more than 39.5 fever (as had occurred in
other times and had tried antibiotics).I can say that to my surprise, in less than 12 hours, and with only 2 shots of
homeopathy, the fever was gone. And in less than 24 hours
headache and ear pain disappeared. All this without antibiotics or anti-inflammatories.These were moments of great tension (the fever was high ...), and in which I placed all my trust in Juan, following his instructions.I am pleasantly surprised at how effective homeopathy has been for me,and I am sure I will continue to use it from now on.And all this has been thanks to the great professionalism of Juan and the
passion and dedication that he puts into his work.Thank you very much Juan for the work you do and I encourage you to continue withshe!


December, 2015
I would like to be brief and at the same time give you as much information as possible. I am 38 years old and have been diagnosed with "borderline personality disorder" since adolescence.

Psychologists, psychiatrists, group therapies, high doses of drugs ... My addiction to food, sex, shopping, extreme impulsivity in everything, was of little use.

Always with low self-esteem, without enjoying life. I tried acupuncture and it didn't work for me.

However, I have undergone a dramatic change with homeopathy. Suddenly, this infinite emptiness within me disappeared.

My hunger has calmed down, my craving for sex ...

I am calm and I begin to enjoy the little things that life has.


September, 2015
Nombre: Rosa
Fecha: 18/10/2016
Asunto: Testimonio

Last December I recounted my experience about how Juan treated my daughter's earache with a high fever, and how with homeopathy it resolved in a few hours.

On this occasion I want to talk about the evolution of my daughter at this time, because the earache was an acute one within a chronic condition that she suffers and which is being treated by Juan.

My initial reason for consultation was allergy to certain pollens and fears, among them a very strong phobia towards dogs, my daughter panicked just by seeing a dog meters away. Well, I want to say that for two months, to everyone's surprise, when he sees a dog, he approaches to touch it, the fear has disappeared and he even asks us for one. With which we are all very happy since it was something very limiting in his day to day and that today he is overcome and can walk quietly through the city without the panic attacks in which he entered. I must say that I still don't believe it.

Regarding the issue of her allergies, say that she usually suffered between 4 and 5 otitis per year. The allergy caused rhinitis, and the mucus was in his ear. Well, so far this year he has had only one otitis in the month of June, and rhinitis, although it is still present at some times, is much less than before.

My daughter is 11 years old and the latter has been the best for her in terms of physical and emotional health.

For all this we are very grateful and happy with the results of the homeopathic treatment indicated by Juan.
Name: José Carlos
Date: 07/14/2016
I am one of those people who came to Joan because another infected me with her enthusiasm, experience and improvement. I have had an anxiety disorder for over 20 years. In that long journey, I have followed the same medical-assistance itinerary as the vast majority of those who go through this tortuous picture of symptoms. From cardiologists to neurologists, from psychologists to medications of different nature, dose and frequency.

The worst thing that can happen to someone who suffers is to come to the conclusion that there is no remedy or that the one proposed is even for more illness, in the long run. Someone said that only those who suffer come to know depth, to learn from it, and therefore to better appreciate when joy comes, even in the form of lightness.

Just 4 and a half months ago I had the first appointment with whoever summons us here and I must admit that something begins to stir, for the better, in my events and experiences with the most disabling symptom that accompanies anxiety, fear. Only those who have gone through the mortification that the multiple symptoms and behaviors that accompany anxiety / anguish entail could value in their fair measure what I am talking about if I tell them that it would only be worth being able to calm fear, in order to recover a life normal that one day, without knowing why, it broke.

Joan did not promise me, like allopathic doctors, that in six weeks or less this or another symptom would disappear and unless she intended to cover them until he knew.

You can imagine yourself how skeptical I could already be, after so many futile attempts, after so many gurus and eminences of conventional medicine from the West and East and with what ballot (in the midst of a hostile attack towards homeopathy for power), I came to find Joan.

I did not find in him any juggler of the word, no snake charmer, or fair salesman, but a person who is secure in his background and simple in his ways, a "doctor" who seeks health and not a companion of the illness.

After this short interval of time, I must admit that fear has decreased in intensity, that anxiety and its mortifying symptoms are no longer those giants of then, but above all that the "windows" of hope are more open, all said. still from caution but also from rigor.

I am not of great praise to the "doctors" and not because it does not lead me with tenderness and empathy towards my neighbors but because it must be two-way to be real and true, but with Joan, the maxim could be that He has become a capable lifeguard for someone who had been drowning for a long time and that should apply to those like me who suffer from anxiety to get an idea of why they should value their knowledge and praxis.

I am taking my anxiety, my fear of her symptoms and the process of cognitive reconstruction to overcome them without any medication, other than the one indicated by Joan. Not easy, but consistent and consistent with my determination that what did not work many times I would not have to do now and that homeopathy deserves its opportunity from the confidence that one day I gave to allopathy.

I know that a good part of the "rescue" of my happiness depends on myself, but I am enormously grateful to "my favorite blonde" for having notified the lifeguard and him, Joan, to be accompanying me on the journey to reach that shore that I could barely see again .

I encourage others to "rescue" themselves for life and to be accompanied by this good professional and better person.

A hug Joan.
Name: Ana
Date: 05/22/2016
Hello, I am the mother of two children whom we are treating with homeopathy, the first of them, a teenager, began treatment in December. He had two years with school failure, with low self-esteem and a great lack of motivation. Despite working to get good results, these were getting worse every time.

This course had started with a good disposition and with the desire to get a good course, which did not last long, since with the first results (which were bad), discouragement, apathy, distractions in class and lack of interest in the studies. His behavior in class was not adequate with which the results were getting worse and worse. The first trimester was a dismal failure.

In mid-December we got in touch with Joan, and began a treatment. The first results begin to be seen with your state of mind and your motivation. At school the tutor begins to see in him a change of attitude, she sees him less restless and more concentrated. Academic results begin to improve a month and a half after the start of treatment, managing to finish the second quarter with much better grades than the previous quarter. He feels more and more capable of taking the course forward, he maintains good communication with Joan who, apart from treating him, transmits strength and a lot of confidence in moments of downturn.

Our second son started the treatment about a month and a half ago, and although it is still early, we are already beginning to see him better.

In his case, and due to a bad experience at school with a classmate who continually harassed him, he had lost the joy that characterized him, showing himself in a bad mood and extremely sensitive and sad. I was mentally blocked, unable to make small decisions, unfocused, forgetful ...

With homeopathy, like his brother, the first thing he has recovered has been his state of mind, he is more cheerful, less sensitive ... in short, he is the child he was again. The mental block and so on also starts to improve.

Apart from these medium-long-term treatments, I want to add that during them, my children have suffered acute symptoms such as sore throats, cough, a moderate ankle sprain, and a domestic accident in which they suffered a major blow in a finger of the hand. We have treated all these setbacks with the homeopathic remedies that Joan has been indicating to us, with very effective results, with few doses and without the need to take anti-inflammatories or any other medicine.

I hope that my testimony helps you.

Nombre: Jordi
Fecha: 31/03/2016

About two years ago I had a pharyngitis problem, conventional medicine left my body full of antibiotics, cortisone…. And in no case did my body respond to the treatment, just the opposite, from bad to worse, my stomach also suffered and I got in touch with Joan.

Through the first visit and a rigorous and methodological diagnosis, he quickly found the right treatment for me.

The truth is that at first it was difficult for me to understand the concept of how homeopathy works and in some cases when my body reacted by arising some annoying symptoms, I took an anti-inflammatory or similar to relieve pain "although, I have never abused them": As I have been trusting Joan, and understanding how homeopathy works, my ailments have disappeared and if they arise as happened in my last cold episode, I have let my body work alone and what was previously a cold of weeks or months In a single day of fever without taking anything and resting, the next day I was already working and in four, five days I felt fine. I can say that for about a year I have not taken anything that is not homeopathic and the truth is that Joan also administers the doses very well and in long periods it is not necessary to take anything, for me, Joan has taught me to understand my body more and its symptoms and this has given me greater health, at all "holistic" levels, I feel calmer, healthier and more vital.

I have always felt very well treated by Joan and she has always responded to me as quickly as possible, I only advise one thing, that if someone like me, at first breaks the homeopathic treatment with drugs, have the sincerity to tell him, he will help you To understand the healing process, the more correct information you give it, the better the treatment will work.

Thank you very much Joan for your dedication, you are a great professional
Name: Ana
Date: 05/22/2016
Hello, I am the mother of two children whom we are treating with homeopathy, the first of them, a teenager, began treatment in December. He had two years with school failure, with low self-esteem and a great lack of motivation. Despite working to get good results, these were getting worse every time.

This course had started with a good disposition and with the desire to get a good course, which did not last long, since with the first results (which were bad), discouragement, apathy, distractions in class and lack of interest in the studies. His behavior in class was not adequate with which the results were getting worse and worse. The first trimester was a dismal failure.

In mid-December we got in touch with Joan, and began a treatment. The first results begin to be seen with your state of mind and your motivation. At school the tutor begins to see in him a change of attitude, she sees him less restless and more concentrated. Academic results begin to improve a month and a half after the start of treatment, managing to finish the second quarter with much better grades than the previous quarter. He feels more and more capable of taking the course forward, he maintains good communication with Joan who, apart from treating him, transmits strength and a lot of confidence in moments of downturn.

Our second son started the treatment about a month and a half ago, and although it is still early, we are already beginning to see him better.

In his case, and due to a bad experience at school with a classmate who continually harassed him, he had lost the joy that characterized him, showing himself in a bad mood and extremely sensitive and sad. I was mentally blocked, unable to make small decisions, unfocused, forgetful ...

With homeopathy, like his brother, the first thing he has recovered has been his state of mind, he is more cheerful, less sensitive ... in short, he is the child he was again. The mental block and so on also starts to improve.

Apart from these medium-long-term treatments, I want to add that during them, my children have suffered acute symptoms such as sore throats, cough, a moderate ankle sprain, and a domestic accident in which they suffered a major blow in a finger of the hand. We have treated all these setbacks with the homeopathic remedies that Joan has been indicating to us, with very effective results, with few doses and without the need to take anti-inflammatories or any other medicine.

I hope that my testimony helps you.

Name: José Antonio
Date: 6/03/2016
My life experience.

After nearly 40 years undergoing various treatments to treat the great problem that started the disease and which was insomnia as stubborn as it was overwhelming, I think I have more than enough background to speak with all the certainty that personal experience gives.

It all started one good day, or rather a bad night in which I was unable to sleep; I was then 24 years old and my bewilderment was total, but it was only the starting gun, of an ordeal that had just begun; the next night, and the next, and so on for more than a week without being able to sleep. I had no choice but to go, first to the family doctor, who practically did not achieve anything with his prescriptions; two months later I went to the psychiatrist and this one if he already managed to make me sleep….! but in what way .. !!!, I woke up like a real zombie, I slept or rather I fell into a lethargy of about 5 hours in which I was bedridden, unable to move even an eyelash, that I always woke up with a tremendous fatigue, with the feeling of not having rested at all, on the contrary I woke up more tired than I had gone to sleep, with the feeling of as if during the night I had been beaten and shaken; And that's how I stayed for ten years, no matter how much I went to see several psychiatrists of those who claimed to have the best reputation at the national level, my life experience was of such a poor quality of life as of authentic overwhelm, anxiety, depression, sometimes excitement, irascibility and at all times discomfort or bad living.

But beware of what has been said that no one ever thinks of suspending medical treatments without having an alternative therapy, suspending allopathic medication without further ado in the end only seriously worsens the disease, I say this from my own experience and from what I saw in different people that I have been meeting throughout my life.

One fine day I spoke with an ATS who had been practicing auriculotherapy in the town. In my life I had heard about acupuncture or anything like it, that sounded very strange to me but the truth is that this man in the afternoons at his home enabled a private consultation in which he practiced this technique and the truth is that it was gaining fame and did not stop attending their therapies not only residents of the town but also other populations. This encouraged me somewhat and without much conviction I decided to go to his consultation, the first day of treatment I did not feel any effect, I returned the next day and neither, the third visit was two days later and the fourth after a week from the beginning; Until that day he still had no effect whatsoever; I will never forget that that night sitting up in bed and taking off my shoes I suddenly felt a placid sensation of drowsiness; On the bedside table I had the 5 tablets of pills from the psychiatrist that I had been taking every night before going to sleep, (in the morning I took as many tablets for what they called “being contained or controlled of my state of insomnia, nervousness, anguish, depression at times, states of euphoria at other times, etc., and at noon he had another drink); That night I looked at the pills that I had next to a glass of water to take them but the feeling of sleep was so pleasant that I preferred to lie down in bed for a little while but oh surprise, what I thought would be to be lying in bed for a little while was to spend more than 5 hours sleeping peacefully and the most amazing thing was waking up for the first time after 10 years without any fatigue, with the total feeling of rest. I did not get out of my astonishment, I enthusiastically looked for the ATS and acupuncturist the next day to tell him what had happened and ask him for advice on whether or not to stop taking the medications, deep down I was wanting it but I didn't dare; This good gentleman told me “we are going to do it little by little, with prudence” and that's how it was, after a month I stopped taking allopathic drugs from psychiatrists and until today about 30 years have passed without taking any medication at all allopathic.

As I say, I have practically not taken any allopathic medications for 30 years, however, for about 5 years, the restlessness and insomnia returned and acupuncture continued to help and relieve me but I suppose that the force of my own nature did not respond also as before to acupuncture; I was still nervous and returned to sleep little…. I was terrified of having to go back to the chemical medications of the psychiatrists who in time kept me like a real zombie, with hardly any quality of life and fear, uncertainty, anguish, etc. came again. Little by little, the idea of going back to look for something alternative matured, until just a year ago I decided on homeopathy and I was extremely lucky to find Juan García, a Unicist homeopath that I met searching the web, I say enormous luck because again I have returned, with homeopathy, to have a healthy and dignified life; If my surprise was great with acupuncture, it was no less so with homeopathy; that yes with this the answer of the organism towards the well-being is not as fast as with the acupuncture; it is slower but also more inflexible and in the end it ends up being the recovery of even more spectacular well-being. It requires at the beginning of effort, dedication, sacrifice, it is difficult to recover because nothing in the walk of life slides on a flat ground, but as we all know the roads run on saw teeth and no matter how successful the homeopathic diagnosis is, the body requires time to advance in his fight against the disease and also has to fight against all kinds of adversities or setbacks: family problems, work problems, etc.… Juan is a true teacher not only in his clinical eye but also in his knowing how to accompany the patient in your fight. I will always be grateful to acupuncture and homeopathy, as well as to the people who gave me and give me light, hope and well-being with them.

Jose Antonio
Name: Oscar
Date: 02/23/2016
Physical plane: I am improving little by little with steps back and forth. The bad days seem to be less and less, and the good ones more. Ancient symptoms sometimes appear, like today's body aches, resembling, as you know, the pain that one suffers when they have the flu. There are no fevers. I have realized that my recovery from the effort is still bad, but apparently it is bad when I am not used to that effort, that is, for example when I have worked more than ever or I have run more than ever the next day or a few days after that effort I find myself quite tired.
Mental plane: the difference is brutal compared to a year ago. My security has increased a lot, although there are still overwhelming moments where I would like the earth to swallow me up to the incasdencent core to merge with which terminator expressing a verbal scream "sayonara baby". My ongoing fears of confrontation are still there. The fear of saying what I think, the continuous fear in the form of a thought installed in my mind like a virus that tells me without words, "Take care that person will be aggressive with you." I am able to do better, and to speak better. My attention in greater and you know that this is something essential, something that I lost and that has separated me from one of my passions which is to study and investigate. It is improving but as I always say so as not to get excited, there is still a lot.
It seems that my nerves are more calamata lately, and every time less happens to me to go down the street when I run and look everywhere or that my mind fixes like crazy in the lines of the ground. I notice these things, I explore myself, and that's how I tell you.
Sentimental level: as always, women flee from me as if I had the plague. It doesn't matter if they are 18 or 37 years old, the movie is similar. I think there is something in me that scares them and I don't know what it is. Is it possible that they perceive in me my experiential difference with the rest of the people and that scares them? Anyway, it can help little that I tell a girl that I am not a standard type and that I believe that we are visited from other planets or systems. Look at it this way Juan, it's a screening that I do, because I know that someone with a small mind will be unhappy with me and I with her. From a generational point of view, maybe it has something to do with the unfinished aspects with my mother that make them repeat themselves with the rest of the women.
I think that all the bad things less very little by little, and all the good things go to more very little by little, which is extremely satisfying, which is noteworthy for the great effort that I have put into each and every one of the aspects of my life, which make me (and I tell you that you can understand me) an anonymous Hercules of the current era.
Of course, I say this with emotion, but with the wisdom that the lived experience of the ups and downs that I have yet to live give me, although with the total conviction that it is being possible to reach the goal of this ultramarathon for the spirit, the mind and body.
I have to inform you of something, and it is the fact that I have recovered my studies and application of natural remedies, call them superfoods or herbs. A month ago I made my third water fast, this time for 7 days, and I have started using some Ayurvedic herbs, or bee products (pollen, honey, honeycomb, propolis, and royal jelly) or algae such as chlorela and spirulina to build. I also use infusions of arcachofa, dandelion, licorice and other plants to improve the elimination processes. I don't understand what you told me about interactions with homeopathy, but honestly, it gives me a goal, it gives me a boost of energy, it gives me an incentive to continue, it makes me try harder, it makes me sit down to study, it makes me feel with a purpose, it calms my mind and I think it makes me stronger.
In this decade that has happened, few things have helped me. After my physical and metal disaster at 24 years old, you know that I began an incessant search that is still in progress. In all this time ago I have tried many things that to the most orthodox would seem crazy, and to the heterodox perhaps a greater understanding. But as I always say to myself when I feel ridiculous for everything I do, "when there is a big problem, the solutions must be extraordinary", and in this I am, looking for extraordinary solutions, without any difference with any explorer who narrates real or fictional adventures, because mine is a great adventure, with all the wickers to become a great story. And in that search, those few things that have helped me, only two really, are the purest possible diet (vegetarian) and homeopathy.
Without a doubt, a man has to make risky decisions. And I use the word man without any contempt for the power of women, considering "man" a generic of the human gender that I apply because for me it represents strength. As I said, a man (a human being in search of virtue) achieves nothing by being a coward, and against all odds he must navigate. Thus, after many years of struggle, loss of friends and partner, I managed to regain part of my lost identity through food. Because I am not fooling myself, and I am not fooling you, changes affect you as much as those around you, they do a sieve and they can leave you alone. That matters? If it matters. Misunderstanding hurts and it hurts your not knowing what is happening, but these questions or doubts are resolved as one sees the positive results in the actions, in the decisions made. Because I have to say the great obviousness that one lives in himself and therefore has to make the decisions that affect him 100% with the authority to recognize himself free of thought and responsibility for oneself. Not depending on others is a path that is created tile by tile, with the same suffering that the builders of the Roman roads had to go through. But once the pavement is laid, the others will only see a blaze go by at the speed of thunder.
And this is what I have achieved with natural health, my diet and homeopathy.
There came a time when my diet did not take me further in my recovery and I had to search. After 9 years of illness, 5 of them vegetarian, making use of what I was researching and noticing that this could no longer give more of itself, I looked at homeopathy, something new, strangely forgotten in some corner of my mind, strangely not investigated by me.
Trial and error, that's science. Medicine is an art, no matter how much doctors insist on denying it, and it depends on the ability of the artist. Allopathic medicine of course ceased to be an art to become a pantomime. Can anyone give value to a painting made mechanically by a robot? That is the current state of medicine, a deception, a science devoid of its essence, and an art of fast consumption. homeopathy preserves that art, that trial and error, that trust on the part of the patient in his doctor, and perhaps even in the case of you Juan, teamwork. That trial and error, after a few months gave its first fruits, for later and with the passage of months (maybe about 12) I begin to feel that something was really moving, deeply in me.
Homeopathy, took the baton from food to continue advancing in my recovery and the effects are remarkable. And I repeat it again, only two things have helped me in this more than a decade in hell, healthy food and homeopathy. Whoever reads this does not know if he is able to scratch the real meaning of this, but it is substantive.
I don't know to what extent homeopathy will help me, but of course I won't berate her or Juan if I don't fully recover. This is a really lonely path where sometimes you meet friends, with people who can help you, and more than that want to help you. But lonely at the end of the day because it is one who must, in his maturity and freedom, exercise day by day what he knows, that wisdom, experience gained with sweat and tears to improve every moment.
Bad moments? ..... every day, but if you have followed my words carefully you will see that this is a hymn to hope.
You can publish this writing if you want Juan, if you think it can serve others.
Name: Cristina
Subject: Testimoni Tonsillar Phlegm
Date: 02/16/2016
I met Joan at a homeopathy seminar about a year and a half ago, I have been working in Homeopathy for about 4 years now and I have a degree in Pharmacy, a profession I no longer do. Joan is my homeopath, a great teacher for me and I want to witness how he has masterfully solved the last acute illness I suffered this weekend.

It all started early last week, with pain and slight inflammation in the right amygdala, the pain was initially very bearable and as there was no fever or general condition, he decided that for now we were waiting .little by little the pain was increasing and at the same time inflammation, to the point that something had to be prescribed. The first prescription was on Friday morning and it did not have the expected effect, in the afternoon we changed homeopathic remedies and unfortunately it did not work as we expected (I mean I could not get at the pharmacy the dilution he recommended me and possibly because of this, it did not do the expected action).

The next morning, the pain in the amygdala was already terrible and the inflammation was very spectacular, I was already starting to despair and at the same time I was scared because it was not a simple tonsillitis, but there was clearly a phlegm that was increasing size… .on Sunday afternoon after having a long conversation on skype, where Joan makes a very careful collection of all my symptoms at that time, he recommends me the latest homeopathic medicine and after a At the time of the second dose of granules, the amygdala phlegm opens spontaneously and begins to empty and at the same time the pain disappears… .com by magic.
I want to emphasize that your enormous patience, know-how and full dedication in the analysis of the case, have been fundamental so that I do not die and the homeopathic treatment was a success!
We know very well that in an acute case like this, the usual treatment is 10 days of antibiotics and this has been avoided thanks to the success of the prescription made by Joan and the great healing power of Homeopathy.
Name: Marisa
Subject: Testimony
Date: January 29, 2016
In July 2015 my first meeting with Juan took place in his office. We spent more than two hours talking about the physical situation,
emotional and mental that in those moments lived.

Juan's human qualities and professionalism helped me a lot. He was very adept at helping me share a short story from my life with him. Was
Very therapeutic talking to him and even though it was painful, I felt very comfortable. Juan is a very close person with whom you immediately feel confident. He is friendly, warm and very good
professional; he really cared about me.

I was experiencing a series of very profound changes. Many years of belonging to a spiritual community, more than 20, but in those
At times I had other concerns and was beginning to make decisions based on my new needs. Each decision to change aroused very deep fears in me and I felt them very
intensity in my body.

For a long time I had many physical symptoms: diarrhea, pressure in the abdomen, a burning sensation that rose from the stomach to the
throat, sensation of dryness and strong burning in throat and mouth, pressure on teeth. An old tic that she had had as a child had also reappeared, which consisted of making a movement
circular with the right leg. Emotionally, I was experiencing great restlessness, sadness, fragility and vulnerability.

I took two takes of the homeopathic remedy and the abdominal pressure and the burning sensation and dryness that rose from the stomach disappeared
up to the throat and mouth. Still the pressure on teeth, but more spaced. I think the diarrhea is gone. In September I took a single shot and in October we met again at the consultation. I did one
third take in November.

Only 7 months have passed since the first consultation and the change has been palpable and the improvement continued. Physically all symptoms have
gone, except for the pressure of the teeth that I still experience from time to time; but at the moment I am aware of the reason for this symptom. In these moments I have disassociated myself from the
community and live on my own. I have everything to do in life, I start again, but I feel calm, confidence and hope.

I know that we are the ones who do the work, that the capacity to heal, to change and to improve is within us; but sometimes
It is not easy to connect with ourselves and manage our physical, emotional and mental contents in a healthy way and we suffer a lot.

Juan and homeopathy have helped me find a more comfortable and harmonious physical, emotional and mental situation to be able to do this process
of change and decision making in my life feeling good. I look healthier and more vital, more cheerful and more confident in myself and in life.

Thank you very much for your help Juan.
Name: Anna B.
Subject: Testimony
Date: 1/6/2016
I have known Joan for over a year, but not too long ago I discovered that he was working in the world of homeopathy. I have been treating my two children for 9 years with this type of medicine, but now I have been noticing my stagnant daughter as if her illness (sinusitis) has become chronic.
After a long talk with Joan we discovered a new way of treating diseases with homeopathy, through which not only very little dose is needed, but also you see how the symptoms gradually disappear and a effectively.

This December my daughter apart from suffering from severe sinusitis, was complicated by sore throat and bronchitis.

We had to go to the emergency room because his breathing was getting harder and harder and they had to give him a dose of mask with ventolín.What they prescribed me was 10 days of ventolín every 8h, apart from dalsy to go deflating the part of the sinus.

So when we got home we called Joan and with all the patience in the world she convinced me that Gemma had to get out without this kind of medicine. We were a little expectant, as she had never caught bronchitis.

After the experience I am very happy .... with a single shot of her constitution and two doses of a few nests for mucus Gemma was improving the whole picture sinusitis-neck-bronchitis with a few days.

Thank you very much Joan. I thank you for your patience, your long hours of explanations and the knowledge to be by our side.
Name: Anna M.
Subject: Testimony
Date: 2/01/2016
Last year I got in touch with Juan through his website after a desperate search to find a definitive solution to my problem.

For 4 years prior to receiving Juan's advice and treatment, I suffered from recurrent cystitis.

At different times in my life during that time, whether on a trip, at home, in the mountains, I had to endure the uncomfortable discomfort of this "disease". Most of the time the cultures were negative, but the professionals of allopathic medicine only thirteen antibiotics of different spectrum.

During this time they did tests, ultrasound, analytical ... even some of the doctors who saw me suggested that it could be, neurogenic bladder, interstitial cystitis or even some reflux nephropathy.

I did not understand anything, because I had never had these symptoms before, no doctor was interested to know more, to know what could really happen to a 34-year-old woman, healthy and with no previous history or pathologies.

Thanks to Juan, I have not surfed this ordeal for a year, I have made and do my life with total normality. My family and I are surely going to continue applying these homeopathic therapies and before making any other decision we will consult Juan.

Thank you very much for your attention, patience and professionalism.
Name: Rosa
Subject: Testimony
Date: 08/30/2015

First of all, I want to thank a good friend and Juan, who for about four months I have felt like living again. To my good friend because thanks to her I met Juan and Juan because thanks to him today I have the desire and energy to continue fighting.

I tell you a little my story. My name is Rosa I am 49 years old and about seven years ago I was diagnosed with an ailment called fibromyalgia, I say ailment because I don't dare to call it a disease, since no doctor I have visited has been able to tell me what it is, or where it comes from . The fact is that more and more people suffer from this "ailment", and the solution according to doctors does not exist. That the only remedy is to get used to pain and live with it.

Can you imagine what it's like to live like this? It changed my life from being a person, happy, friendly, fun to be the opposite, my life revolved around pain, I could not bear a single touch, because even that hurt me. I also didn't care what was going on around me, I just wanted to disappear. The only reason I woke up every morning was to know that I had the unconditional support of my husband and my son and that they did not deserve to go through everything they were going through. That gave me the strength to carry on one more day.

When someone asked me, if I could make a wish what would you make? I always answered the same thing, I only ask for five minutes a day without pain, because I wanted to know again what it was to live without pain. I want to tell you that my wish has been fulfilled !!

Well, for four months I have been living much better I have smiled again, I am happy, happy, I feel like helping others, in short I am again who I was seven years ago. I still have a long way to go, but now I see it full of beautiful colors. Of course the pain has not completely disappeared, that would be asking for a miracle, but the improvement has been incredible, what was previously a horrible pain throughout my body has become a slight discomfort with which I am able to live all my life without expecting anything else. All this is thanks to Juan, a wonderful person both personally and professionally, I had never met a person like him. He made everything easy for me, from the first moment I felt as if I had known him all my life, I felt that he understood me that he knew what I was going through. Thanks Juan you are, INCREDIBLE. I also want to thank my husband and son for their patience and unconditional love throughout these seven years.

I want to encourage all people, with any type of problems, to try homeopathy, because they have nothing to lose and much to gain.

And above all to tell people with fibromyalgia, like me, to try homeopathy because I would love for their lives to change, as mine has.

A strong kiss for all.
Nombre: Aida
Asunto: Testimonio
Fecha: 26/10/2015

My experience with Juan is the following; my initial situation with studies was very demotivating, since taking a rather complicated course such as second year of high school, I did not see myself able to get the course or the next test called Selectividad.

Later, after treating me with this great homeopath, he made me totally change my point of view and be able to say: I CAN, also how to reduce my nerves and anguish.

So it was, thanks to Juan's help, I have been able to get my Baccalaureate and attend Selectividad obtaining the necessary grade for my career.

I totally recommend it, especially for those students in distress!

Before, I was quite skeptical about homeopathy and when treating myself I believe 100%.
Name: Eva
Subject: Thanks
Date: 08/25/2015
I never believed in coincidences until due to physical ailments that also led to anxiety problems, for fear of the disease, I found this homeopathy page and "something" pushed me to ask for a consultation via skype.

My experience with allopathic and homeopathic medicine had not been good until, as I wrote above, I found this page and most importantly, I found Juan.

Everything I write about him falls short, good professional, human, patient, very patient (I want to emphasize the latter) with someone as skeptical as me.

Day by day I am improving and although I still have a way to go, I know that I will recover because I am in the best hands.

I am not very given to write comments but I make an exception to publicly thank you Juan.
Thank you for your help, your know-how and your humanity.
Nombre: Marta
Asunto: Testimonio
Fecha: 10/08/2015
We are Marta and I am 46 years old. At the age of 26, I had surgery on my back for a canal stenosis. 4 years ago I separated from my husband after 20 years of being together. I have 3 children. A year before I separated I started having kidney problems and they detected kidney stones and did a lithotripsy to remove them. A year and a half later and without ceasing to have discomfort, I was admitted and I naturally removed 15 stones.
Since September 2014, I have been suffering from urinary tract infections every three weeks and the onset of nephritic colic every season of emotional or work stress. We are a teacher, and each end of the term triggered another nephritic colic and / or urinary tract infection. At the same time, back pain, which had been virtually gone for 20 years, was reborn more strongly, with low back and leg pain.
In March I contacted HOMEOPATIAONLINE and Joan. After a general assessment in the Skype session, Joan prescribed me what he found to be more suitable for the symptoms he was suffering from. From March until today I have not suffered any more urinary tract infections, but at the end of June I had an acute crisis of lumbosciatica that made it impossible for me to move for a month, with very intense pain. and unbearable that have intensely mortified me. Asked by Joan what treatment to follow, he recommended me to suppress all types of conventional medicine prescribed in these cases and take a specific homeopathic remedy.
Today I am well, and I am following the initial treatment that Joan prescribed me at the beginning of March.
I believe that Joan knows how to value the body as a whole and, knowing that emotional ills are somatized and become physical ills, he works with the patient on all these elements. Knows how to listen and meet the demand for help.
I don’t know how my process will continue to evolve. Yes, I know that in parallel with homeopathy, I follow a process of self-knowledge with an emotional therapist who also helps me find out how it works and why things affect me so much. This process also includes the consideration that the body is wise, and that if it speaks to us through pain it is because it gives us signals that something we may need to revise or change. Thanks
Name: Carmen
Subject: Testimony
Date: 07/22/2015
Conocí a Juan porque me lo recomendaron desde la escuela de George Vithoulkas. Les escribí preguntando por un buen homeopata en España. Georges Vithoulkas es reconocido internacionalmente como el mejor homeopata en este momento.
Tenia dudas sobre si una consulta online funcionaría pero funciona de maravilla.
Juan es una persona muy cercana con la que sientes confianza enseguida. Es amable, cálido y se preocupa realmente por mi. Además es un buen profesional.
Han pasado solamente 4 meses desde la primera consulta y el cambio ha sido palpable y la mejoría continuada. Lo siento como un proceso, la homeopatia trabaja con mi cuerpo y también con mi mente. Me veo más sana y vital, con mayor energía y más alegre. Menos preocupada por mi salud, con más confianza en mi misma y en la vida.
La homeopatia funciona y ha sido una suerte encontrar a Juan porque no todos los homeópatas trabajan de la misma manera.
Name: Olga
Subject: A new path
Date: 06/19/2015
I want to share my experience of the last three years today, which is not a particularly good day, so that all those who come to this page can fill your soul with hope.
I would like to convey that beyond the name that we can give to our evil "of the soul" once we have entered the healing process we cannot reduce everything to thinking that we are sick, that we have anxiety, depression, that we feel exhausted and lost, looking for answers that we can't find,
reasons and more reasons, why that only have a solution if we look sincerely inside ourselves.
I see this process as a new path, a retracement of what has been done to understand and value ourselves, to love ourselves deeply and thus be able to come to love the life that sustains us. On that path, sometimes there are obstacles that we have to overcome, not overcome, because once you choose that path, there is no other choice than to be victorious on the other side after having fought with the enemies that once contaminated us and brought fear to our hearts. and the fiercest sadness.
That fear and that sadness that perhaps we think we were ourselves on many occasions, but it is not like that, we are light and life, we are love, although sometimes we see how that energy slips through our hands. I want to tell you, to all of you who come here seeking consolation, urgent help, as I myself did at the time, that that light is never lost, that perhaps it is asleep somewhere, but that as you walk the road you will find it again.
Homeopathy opens the door to this path, and provides the keys to understand and value the process as a learning that goes far beyond the anecdotal. To those who visit this site for the first time, tell them that Juan is the best teacher and guide that you can find to take you by the hand in the process, to encourage you not to lose heart even if there are moments when everything weighs, to help you understand that you will return victorious to life again.
Do not allow yourselves to be defeated, please, treat each other in those moments with the greatest understanding and affection, have no doubt that you are brave to enter the path that guides you to the understanding of your soul.
I met Juan in November 2012, looking for resources that would help me get out of the situation in which I was mired, after all this time in which I have had precious moments and harder moments like the one I am going through now, I can only understand that once you enter the process there is no other option but to open your heart and go through the tunnel, even if it costs us a lot of time and effort, and to value when we reach the end everything we have experienced as learning.
Name: MAA
Subject: Anxiety
Date: 05/28/2015
Hello everyone, I hope that my story helps you to trust Joan and the INCREDIBLE work she does.
My story begins a long time ago ... I started obsessing in general and especially in particular with diseases of all kinds.
It was something obsessive, everything I heard believed that I had it or could develop it. It was something exaggerated to such an extent that it created an unbearable and unsustainable anxiety.
The because sincerely was the fear of dying, of death to the unknown in short.
Another obsession was mental illness, I was terrified that something could happen to me ... it was lifeless ... But I decided to put STOP on such torture and decided to investigate online ... I honestly did not go to the doctor because I think allopathic medicine works in many fields and I do not hesitate in its work but I also think that in the fields of anxiety ... it leaves much to be desired! The ease with which anxiolytes are prescribed seems chilling to me ... rather because in the end we are appeasing our bad being without taking it out of something chemical without realizing the side effects that this entails ... and I say this from my own experience.
That is why I opted for homeopathy.
I had heard of wonders but had never tried it until I did it with Joan, and it is the best I could do without a doubt.
At first, because of my way of being somewhat distrustful, not to say completely distrustful, I did not believe that a remedy like this would do something, really.
But little by little everything began to turn, without realizing it my head began to plot in a realistic way without obsessions.
I have moments when I am afraid but nothing to do with what I have experienced before.
Conclusion, to those distrustful people like me who do not believe in anything that they have to check over and over again I have to tell them and everyone in general that Joan has given me life.
That bird that lived in its cage with the door open but without the strength to fly for fear of crashing has opened its wings ...
Thank you very much Joan for pushing me to fly.
Name: Neus
Subject: Thanks
Date: 05/11/2015
Hello, three years ago I had a cardiorespiratory arrest followed by a coma of
several days, it was all due to a drug, to be more exact an anxiolytic
that caused me to vomit daily and diarrhea. I was admitted to the hospital due to
a strong gastrointeritis and when I woke up at seven days, full of tubes, my life
Collapsed. From there my fears of almost everything began, especially the
death, to the heights, to the tunnels, to the open spaces but also to the closed ones,
insecurity was my partner, I was not able to be in a public place alone, I had to
hold on to something or someone, since I had the feeling that I was going to fall, everything was
a problem for me, I was incapable and always needed someone by my side.
But I met Joan, at first I only spoke with him and this simple fact already gave me
peace When I started homeopathy my life began to change, with each passing day
I'm better, right now I feel like an airplane that has taken off, I no longer have that insecurity
I go to public places without having to support myself, my fears are there but they do not prevent me
living my life are just memories, thoughts getting weaker, I've lost my fear
to the hospitals, I don't have diarrhea, I go back to driving little by little and most importantly
is that it has given me a lucidity that I did not have, I have opened my eyes and now I begin
to control my life, I make my own decisions and that is very important to me, since
that until now it was my partner who led my life.
Thanks to Joan I have smiled again, I feel like a new person with a lot of desire
to live, I encourage all the people who need it, to trust Joan.
Thanks for being so human.
Name: Vero
Subject: Testimony
Date: 04/27/2015
Nine years ago I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Thyroiditis (Hashimoto's), a type of hypothyroidism that needs to be medicated and over the years it tends to get worse having to increase the dose of medication. I was taking 75 mg. of Euthyrox a day, two months after going to Juan, so that he could give me a solution to other more important health problems, or at least more annoying for me, I had to go from 75mg to 50mg a day, since 75mg it was too much for my body, I thought of a hormonal change ... but eight months later, I am currently taking 25mg, day yes, day no, incredible !! homeopathy has helped the thyroid gland work better and possibly one day I will stop taking medication altogether !! And of course, the other problems for which I went to homeopathy in the beginning also improved.
Nombre: Pilar
Asunto: Testimonio
Fecha: 31/03/2015
Our wonderful history with homeopathy !!, why wonder !! ??? Well, those who are parents already know the first and most important thing is your children if they are well, we are better. Our son Urik was diagnosed with rheumatism when he was 13 years old, and he had psoriasis since he was 6 years old, they prescribed methotrexate and others, for rheumatism the side effects could damage his liver and kidney and he had to undergo tests every two months to control that everything was fine, with fear and responsibility we gave him the first dose of methotrexate, but we were more concerned about the side effects than the inflammation of the knees with which he had lived for 2 years they told us about Juan Garcia, and we decided to take the risk to try I say risk because we had no idea how homeopathy works etc, I had already been with swollen knees for 2 years because the synovial fluid was coming out with which we did not lose anything when we tried six more months, at least, we told ourselves! With the first taking of homeopathy, the next analysis gave him that there was no rheumatism in the blood but the rheumatologist continued with the treatment and also increased the dose, which of course we never gave it to him again but we did go to the visits although the treatment was the one that Juan Garcia recommended in 4 months with the recommended intakes, was cured !! The knees are fine and the psoriasis disappeared, which is said quickly, but he lived with it since he was 6 years old, Urik is a responsible, fantastic child and when they ask him how he says very well "Juan Garcia has cured me" thanks, Juan, we encourage to try this wonderful medicine that makes our lives and health change for the better.
Name: Mari
Subject: Experience
Date: 03/24/2015
Hello, since I have a conscience, I believe that my life has always been marked in one way or another by fears, anxieties, anxiety, the latter already more pronounced after adolescence. When I was older, I started with psychological and pharmacological treatments that in a certain way have helped me but not like me or anyone would like to be healing you. I still can't say that it happened to me at all, but I CAN say that finding Juan has been like a miracle for me. After being resigned to living like this, I found him out of curiosity, saying to myself well let's try homeopathy to see how it is, when I have never believed in it. Well, it took me a tremendous surprise, not only at no time did I begin to see results but I felt like never before, calmer.
Since Juan contacted me at all times he showed me his support, understanding and above all dedication, every time I need him he is always there.
Well what I want you to know is that it is worth it because it really works. In me, although I know I have a way ahead, it has been like magic.
I hope that my words help other people to decide to try and they will see that what I tell them is true.
a greeting
Name: Sonia
Subject: testimony
Date: March 23, 2015
In fact, I have already left testimonies on other times about how Juan has helped my family, but as he continues to do so, I would like to continue telling it if it helps you. I went to Juan to help my daughter, who from a very young age had terrible stomach aches but immediately realized that I also needed his help. I suffered from terrible headaches for years and I have to say that although the work was hard, since I dragged them along for many years, with it I managed to overcome them and today I no longer have them. But today I want to focus on my daughter, because not only did it relieve her stomach aches, and her allergic problems, but it also helped us to calm her nerves, which in her early teens, turned my house into hell. Juan has balanced her emotionally (her and I was already destroyed). But above all I am writing these lines because the change that is taking place in her is incredible and surprising since she has gone from being a surly girl with rejection of physical contact such as kisses and hugs to being the one who gives them. I focus on this today since it is very gratifying when, after so many years of rejection, your daughter manages to show her love for you. At 8 months she pushed me away for the first time when I hugged her and I have shed many tears feeling rejected by her. Now she is 13 years old and when at this age the children move away from their parents she gives me several hugs and kisses every day and tells me that she loves me at least twice a day. I never thought that my daughter would change so much, but the balance that Juan has given her with homeopathy has healed her physically and emotionally and I as a mother feel very happy about this success that I never thought would be so great. And so I wanted to share it with you. Juan with your, one and only remedy can heal your body and mind.
Nombre: Karen
Asunto: Respiration and energy return again through homeopathy
Fecha: 10/02/2015
I was lucky enough to have encountered Juan and be treated by him for the past 4 years now and once again I am left feeling healed and feeling stronger after his treatment, continued support and reassurance through insecure moments of illness.
For the last 7 winters I have suffered with severe breathing illnesses ranging from bronchitis to asthma and last winter pnuemonia. My doctors informed me that my condition is ´chronic` which alarmed and worried me, especially being a mother of two young boys and worry for them should anything happen to me.
After pneumonia (in December 2013) and its residual affects, Juan told me in March/April 2014 that he wanted to treat me to prepare me for the following autumn and winter as that is the season when my lungs start to tighten and problems with my breathing usually start.  
Treating me with my constitutional remedy throughout the summer and early autumn prepared me for the winter months.  

Juan treats me long distance, I live in Menorca and he lives in Barcelona and so our communication is with the aid of technology.

This winter in early December my breathing became wheezy and tight and Juan treated me through this period until I was back to normal. His remedies worked immediately and my body responded strongly to them. Juan was constantly in touch with me recording changes etc. Within 2 weeks I was fine again until the beginning of January.  

By the end of the 2nd week of January I had a high temperature, shivers and coughing up lots of mucus and finding it hard to breathe. My doctor diagnosed me with bronchitis and prescribed antibiotics. Thankfully Juan worked immediately and prescribed remedies that made my body respond to the cause of my symptoms profoundly.
Over the next 7 days of feeling very poorly, having moments of feeling better and then ill again until the improvement was overtaking the poorliness, I knew that my defenses were beating the bacteria through the stimulation of the use the homeopathic remedies from Juan.

I was so worried that I would need antibiotics and after all those months of preparing my body my defences would be wiped out and I would be left without resistence against any viruses or bacterias... Juan supported and reassured me throughout the treatment.

And so here I am, feeling happy to be breathing deeply and feeling the energy of life within me and around me again. I love this life.
Thank you Juan for staying with me, I know your time is precious and you have many people depending on you. I am so thankfull to you for your time as I know you have many people needing your care. I really hope that you will continue as my doctor in my maturing years and if not... I am grateful for the time you have been my doctor Juan.  
I feel very lucky to have come across such a professional homeopath as Juan Garcia.
Thank you. Karen
Name: Carmen
Subject: My experience with Juan
Date: 12/18/2014
Yesterday I called Juan for the first time because I needed a second opinion from another Homeopathic professional. I am currently in treatment for two years by another homeopath. I decided to call him since on several occasions I had entered his page and had read the multitude of good comments about his great work. We can call it "destiny" or perhaps because something inside me is still not completely convinced with homeopathy or how it works, and although I am very happy with my current homeopath because he has solved a disease that was chronic and other ailments, my The big problem is the lack of confidence in myself and the great anxiety and hypochondria that I have developed in the last 2 years due to the fear of suffering from a chronic disease that limits my life as a result of the one that arose in my day, and thanks to homeopathy is a thing of the past ...

It may seem contradictory, but what led me to call Juan was that although I trust my current homeopath and his good work, still, in these two years, I feel that he has not reached the most important thing in me, which is my being. It has not managed to get me out of this cyclical situation that I find myself in, and I say cyclical, because I have had good times (thanks to homeopathy) but I have also had bad times and I have not quite left.
So yesterday I had a conversation with Juan for the first time and it is as they say. I was VERY GRATELY surprised that someone who did not know me at all, that I literally approached him at 7:30 p.m. by calling him on his mobile and that he put aside all his work to take my call for more than an hour (on top of that he was waiting for a patient, I apologize for him ... hehehe), without being his patient, just wanting a second opinion ... honestly, only an altruistic person and wanting to heal people does that, and that was my first contact with Juan.
After talking to him, not only did he reassure me, but I try to think that I am going to get well and that I am healthy. And the most important thing for me, that I need to make a change in my path and put an end to these anxieties about everything and these fears that the only thing they get is to put obstacles in the way and not let me advance as a person. And from what I could see yesterday, these things are only achieved with people like Juan.
I hope that my testimony has helped other people to give a vote of confidence to homeopathy (although they have not yet done so), and that they let themselves be guided by professionals like Juan to improve their lives.
Name: Nuria
Subject: Testimony
Date: 12/14/2014
More than a year ago I was lucky enough to meet Juan, because the people who come across our lives always give us something. In my specific case, it has helped me to see that homeopathy really works. In just 4 months I have noticed a lot of improvement to my migraines and my circulatory problems. At the moment I can say that my hands are perfect: in the cold they were swollen, purple, in pain ... There was no remedy to solve my problem. Neither anti-inflammatories, nor infusions, nor ointments, nor making contrasts of hot-cold water ... For me it has been a miracle! I am more than happy for the moment. And also to say that I continue to appreciate progressive changes in my body (not only circulatory issue and migraines).
Thank you Juan for your work, for your perseverance and concern and above all for being who you are as a person. THANK YOU!
Name: Mar S.
Subject: My experience with Juan
Date: 12/6/2014
Hace un año que mis dolores físicos y mi lamentable estado mental me llevaron a la consulta de una homeópata. Mejoré durante un tiempo pero la vuelta de mis molestias y la falta de conexión con dicha homeópata me llevaron a continuar buscando en la red. Afortunadamente me topé con la web de Juan y todos estos testimonios de los que ahora formo parte. Le pedí amistad en Facebook y, tras una publicación en la que yo pedía ayuda desesperadamente, él me llamó. Al cabo de unos días me encontraba en su consulta llena de ansiedad y esperanza. Cuando acabó la consulta entendí los testimonios de sus pacientes....Juan es tal y como lo definen...y, como le dije en ese momento, me gustó su estilo.
Tras ese día, hace ahora 7 meses, vendrían muchas conversaciones, molestias, agravaciones, dudas, conocimientos, lloros y risas. Juan supo darme, aparte, por supuesto del remedio homeopático en su justa medida, las palabras que yo necesitaba escuchar, cómo funciona la homeopatía, lo que me estaba pasando y la curación que estaba por llegar.
MIentras escribo este testimomio me emociono...pienso en mi estado cuando fui a ver a Juan y me veo ahora, sin aquellos dolores abdominales ni aquella tristeza y desesperación bajo los que viví años, y tantas otras cosas que continuan mejorando cada día.
Ahora siento que vuelvo a ser yo...mi mejor versión. 
A parte de la mejoría de mis síntomas físicos y emocionales, he perdido peso, voy a clase de yoga más a menudo y he empezado a ir a clases de meditación. Siento que ahora sí estoy en el camino que siempre quise seguir.
Una vez más, gracias desde el corazón, Juan!
Name: Vero
Subject: Testimony
Date: 12/4/2014
Desde que era muy joven he sufrido muchos dolores y malestar en mi cuerpo,
a pesar de todo tipo de exploraciones no daban con nada que puedira diagnosticar
dicha situación. A partir de los 20 años mis dolores se concetraron de forma muy aguda
en las lumbares y sacras , y estuve sufriendo este dolor diez años , hasta que me operaron
y me pusieron una protesis de titanio en la columna .
Esto me permitio poder tener dos hijos ya que los dolores en esta zona desaparecieron , pero al finalizar mi segundo embarazo , mi cuerpo quedo totalmente desequilibrado y empeze a tener mas dolores : en la cadera ,las cervicales , y otras afectaciones en órganos...
Entonces empezaron a hacerme pruebas más profundas y descubrieron que tenia Artritis Psoriasica,
esto me llevó a empezar una medicación crónica, la cual ocho meses después me había destrozado
el estómago.
Entonces me encontré en un callejon sin salida , presa de la enfermedad y sin ninguna confianza
hacia mi propio cuerpo, pero gracias a una amiga conocí a Juan y me dió unas bolitas que han
cambiado mi vida , despues de seis meses ,no sólo me encuentro muy bien física y mentalmente, sino que no necesito tomar medicinas convencionales para ello , y además he recuperado la energía el bienestar y sobretodo la confianza en mi propio cuerpo !! 
Todo ello gracias a Juan que supo canalizar estupendamente mi problema desde el primer día !!

Name: Lucia
Subject: Testimony
Date: 12/2/2014
Yesterday afternoon I met Juan via Skipe, from the beginning his closeness and his way of speaking made me gradually reel off my life, I felt comfortable as if I had known him for a long time.

It was a wonderful experience, as we were talking, tears came to my eyes, Juan touched my soul,
I can only have words of thanks to him.
Due to my anxiety problems, I have had to go to psychologists and psychiatrists who never bothered to know where my problems came from, they only prescribed me.
It was different with Juan, yesterday I had a consultation with him, obviously he still hasn't prescribed anything for me. And yet tonight I have slept as I have not for a long time, I do sleep but I do not rest; Today I woke up with renewed energy and at the same time with an unseemly serenity.
Perhaps it is because I know that I am going to undertake an adventure with homeopathy in the hands of a wonderful person who will help me. For a long time I have worn a coat that is too heavy that I am not able to take off, I want to be a better person and a better mother and a better woman.
THANK YOU JUAN, you can't put a price on the work you do.
Nombre: Silvia
Asunto: Testimonio
Fecha: 6/10/2014
Tengo un acné rosácea en la cara desde hace unos 3 ó 4 años. En mi
familia también lo tienen mi madre y mi hermano y los tratamientos
convencionales no acaban de curarselo del todo. Yo no me he tratado
alopáticamente y decidí un buen día que podía tratarlo de otra
manera. Llevaba unos meses atraida por la homeopatía pero no conocía a
ningún profesional en mi zona que pudiera tratarme. Y un día por
casualidad encontré la web de Juan y me llamó mucho la atención. Me
sentí atraída a consultarle a pesar de estar a muchos kilómetros de
distancia, leyendo los testimonios de otros pacientes.
Lo llamé y desde el primer momento me hizo sentir a gusto, fácil en el
trato y conectamos estupendamente.
Yo no sabía que el tratamiento iba a suponer tantos cambios en mi, era
una época en la que estaba un poco huraña, con mucha labilidad
emocional y agotada. No era nada consciente de ello pero ahora me
siento con mucha vitalidad, más alegre en general y tomándome las
cosas del día a día con energía. El acné rosácea está más atenuado
tras varios meses de tratamiento. Me ha hecho ver las cosas con más
paciencia, de manera más consciente y vaya si ha funcionado!
Os animo a que simplemente hagáis la prueba y os sorprenderá gratamente!
Gracias Juan por tu sabiduría y por tu cercanía a persar de la
distancia!! Eso sí, un día tenemos que conocernos en persona
Un beso
Name: Dorine
Subject: Testimony
Date: 09/21/2014
Being a homeopathy patient for several years, I decided to do some work on it (I am 17 years old) but I needed some basis to start. Searching, I found this website and contacted Juan who very kindly agreed to help me. I asked him a series of questions about the world of homeopathy that he not only answered but gave me clear explanations giving me more reasons to believe in the power and effectiveness of homeopathy.
All the cases that I have seen that have been treated with homeopathy and my own have been effective so I will continue with this therapy and recommend it to everyone.
Name: Maribel
Subject: Testimony
Date: 09/16/2014
If my testimony is useful for those people who have stopped living, I will feel very satisfied, if with my testimony they come back to life and do not drag the burden of anxiety. The psychiatric medication had me high, the psychologists took the money from me; I already saw that I had no more roads. Sometimes I would have liked not to be here, but it was because of my daughters and my husband that encouraged me not to throw in the towel. My husband had signs of sadness reflected on his face until the miracle came when I read Juan's testimonies on the internet, I quickly got in touch with him and we started working. He gave me my remedy and made a target and thanks to him and the remedy he has brought me back to life. I can't even believe it. Happiness has flowed out of me. I feel vital, with a lot of desire to live. You have to be patient, homeopathy is slow but with a partner and friend like Juan who accompanies you in this process I assure you that in a while you will send him a great hug because Juan, as well as being a great homeopath, is a great person who understands and understands you. Juan put all his effort and above all patience that heaven deserves with my anxiety that I dragged 30 years ago in which the last 3 years were a despair. I had completely lost my life. To Juan I owe being here and now writing to you. I can never thank him for coming back to life. Thank you Juan for being there when I fell and shaking hands to get up, for being my friend and for bringing me back to life. Please do not continue to suffer more and if you put yourself in his hands, be patient; Remember that later the reward will come to you. Juan, thank you, although we are still at the beginning of the road and we still have to work, I thank you for having found you and my husband for your patience and for having been there. I love you so much. Kisses Juan.
Name: Olga
Subject: Testimony
Date: 09/12/2014
Sometimes life puts us in front of tests that we find difficult to overcome. Nobody teaches us that pain is also part of our existence and, like joy, it comes and then goes. Sometimes you just have to stop and think again. Pain is a sign and not an end. Pain, if we can see it like this, can be the beginning of a new life. Being born is not pleasant, how could being reborn be?
When there are many things from before that no longer work, vertigo. Perhaps we spend so much time not being ourselves that we realize that this is what we have to do, that we are getting closer to touching our essence, it fills us with fear, anxiety, sadness, questions.
In a process like this, having a person like Juan by your side is a gift from life. I know that this is the way and that, long before I think, fear will give way to peace.
Juan, thank you from the heart for being and being, thank you for accompanying me and so many others.
Name: Cristina
Subject: Testimony Mallorca
Date: 08/31/2104
I am 50 years old, I have been a vegetarian for 10 years, and I do not drink alcohol or smoke. They detected a uterine myoma about a year ago, and as a result of this my periods were very abundant and long.

The last period lasted me almost 4 weeks, and I ended up totally dejected, lost my strength and collapsed.

Thank God, I was able to stop the bleeding (with conventional medication), but truly what I recovered in an almost miraculous way was homeopathic medication, which my great friend and homeopathic doctor Juan recommended.

Thanks to her, my bedridden for almost a month was not completely exasperating, after taking the balls, I recovered my strength immediately, and for 4 or 5 hours I could almost do normal activity.

I will remember it all my life I was so dizzy from the loss of blood so much that the oxygen did not reach my head and I was constantly collapsing.

Homeopathy gave me a flash effect, almost immediately after taking it, I got out of bed and felt "the force of life."
Name: Mayte
Subject: Testimony
Date: 8/9/2014
A few months ago when we started talking, I hadn't tried homeopathy. It is true that I have always believed that traditional medicine was not very appropriate, but I had never taken the step to try another alternative because it was easier to go to the doctor's office that I have close to home. Now I am convinced that with a traditional treatment I would never have improved as much as I have done with homeopathy.
I came to you after my separation, following the recommendation of my sister, at that time all I wanted was to run away from everything, leave work, my house, my children and hide somewhere where I could cry until I had no more left. tears. I did not feel like doing anything and I felt that I could not continue to face all my responsibilities as a mother. Since I started taking what you recommended, I have improved significantly, I have regained my confidence in myself and I am doing everything possible to have a life of my own with my children. I have made new friends and set small challenges that help me stay active and feel alive.
A few years ago I had had a depression and had been treated with anxiolytics and psychological therapy. Since then I had made many efforts to feel good, but everyone who knew me told me that there was always a point of sadness in me. Now they say that they see me much better, that I am even happier than before my separation. As usual there have been ups and downs, but overall progress has always been positive.
I want to thank you for your help and encourage other people to try homeopathy and start feeling good as I have.
Thanks for everything.
A hug,
Name: Mar
Subject: Anxiety and agoraphobia
Date: 07/06/2014
A little over a year ago I started to feel bad, very bad. Extremely bad. For no clear and apparent reason, in a matter of days I began to feel very sad, overwhelmed, sunken, and not wanting to move him from the couch. I honestly only wanted one thing: to die. I also had terrible physical sensations such as exaggerated anxiety, tremors and tingling, and a constant feeling of dizziness (this terrified me). I locked myself at home and couldn't go out, or be alone. He didn't live, he just survived and so day after day ... it was exhausting. I couldn't do anything, and of course I couldn't go to work. Going through the door of my house was a real ordeal, I thought I was going to faint with every step I took. My eyes and hair stopped glowing, I lost my hunger and my nails lost their strength. And of course I stopped smiling. He was FATAL on all levels.
I contacted Juan because I did not want to take the antidepressants and anxiolytics that the doctor gave me, and I have to say that I am much better! I still have things to achieve, like going anywhere so calm and alone, but I am not even the shadow of what I was. I have struck an incredible change for the better!
To make matters worse, when I was recovering I suffered a hard blow to assimilate, and even so, the anxiety has not returned. I feel like living, happy and hopeful, I see things differently.
JUAN has been a constant support all the time, he has always been there, he has picked me up when I have fallen, he has listened to me when I needed it, he has advised me, it has been fortunate to find the truth in my life, and I hope to turn to him every time you need it.
Some people I met on this page have also helped me VERY MUCH, people who went through the same thing as me, and who are now friends. Thank you ELISABETH, you have been and are a support as well as a wonderful girl. The sister I never had and who always advises me and is there to support me and open my eyes.
In short, little by little I am filing down the hardness (damn hardness) of my life, thanks to homeopathy, and how glad I am that in the end I have not taken that garbage that psychiatrists and family doctor gave me, well if I get to take everything what everyone prescribed me, now I would be a real zombie. That's why I congratulate myself haaj, for my willpower, because surviving with anxiety until you start to improve, is tough.
And nothing more, that although I thought I would never get out of this, because it is what you think, IF IT COMES OUT, EVERYTHING IS EXCEEDED, and I encourage everyone to try it. I am very happy to have trusted Juan and his expertise as a homeopath, and above all I am happy to return to being almost what I was :))))))). Eternally grateful. THANK YOU
Nombre: Fernando
Asunto: Testimonio
Fecha: 18/06/2014
Hola buenos días, le comento un poco cuál ha sido mi historia,
después de muchos años con temas de ansiedad asociada con agorafobia y
con tratamientos psiquiatricos que lo único que me hacían era
cronificar mi enfermedad además de unos efectos secundarios indiseables
allá por finales del año de 2013 me puse en manos de joan, le digo que
yo al principio no confiaba mucho en estos tratamientos pero con el paso
del tiempo he visto que esto funciona, todavía tengo altibajos pero he
podido dejar los tratamientos alopáticos y poder hacer una vida normal,
gracias todo al saber estar y la sapiencia de joan. gracias por todo lo
que esta haciendo por mí.
Name: Marta
Subject: Testimony
Date: 05/27/2014
Marta was a mermaid who had learned to enjoy swimming in the chlorinated waters of an urban pool. At times, she was surrounded by human sperm whales that would overtake her beneath her scaly silver body. Other times, he was splashed by whales or "minnows." Nor were the "dolphins" missing from the next lanes, playing by "flapping" with their hands. Despite longing for her oceanic family, Sirena Marta was happy socializing in the complicated world of people. However, this joy was cut short by some pain in her right shoulder, because oddly enough, mermaids also have shoulders. For a few days, added to months later, Marta stopped swimming in the pool; his skin was transformed into a dry, dull shell, and his eyes lost the sparkling brilliance of the stars. Her friends saw her so sorry that someone would have given their own lives to make her go back to being herself. Then a friend recommended that she go to the consultation of Joan, a specialist in homeopathy, who knew very well the remedy to cure herself. In a few days, Marta regained the meandering rhythm of the waves.

I tell this story as a metaphor because it is a way of explaining a small part of my experience with Joan's homeopathy. For years I had treatments for back and neck pain. Although they remitted me for a time, they soon manifested again. I explained the problem to Joan and she immediately knew how to give me a proper cure. The same can be said of aphonia, a tumor in the eye or emotional issues, which are sometimes very tangled and difficult to solve. I am still in treatment with him, but I am grateful. It is not about applying a medicine every time there is a problem, but about having a professional who can make personalized and comprehensive monitoring of your problems as a whole person: with body, soul and spirit.

To you reader, who visits this page, I recommend it!

To you Joan, I thank you!

Name: Lourdes
Subject: my testimony
Date: 05/07/2014
17 years ago I discovered by chance "homeopathy", after trying different specialists in traditional medicine, where each one gave me a different diagnosis, without coming to fruition.

After throwing in the towel, some friends recommended me to a homeopath in my city, with whom I found a new world (I remember not knowing then, or what this medical therapy meant), thus understanding the interconnection of the body and the mind, as well as "why" and the solution to many of my problems.

I worked with this professional for 16 years until one day he had to leave and it was then, after so long, that I realized the emptiness I felt, due to the "positive" need or addiction that Homeopathy had created in me.
I started to think what do I do now? Where am I going? ... They recommended different types to me, but they did not convince me, until one day I was surfing the internet, I saw the homeopathy page online and after reading several testimonials, I felt a good feeling and I decided to write.

The truth is that I do not regret that decision at all, it was a great success, I was not having a good time in my life, psychologically I was not well, both personally and at work, due to pressure, stress and Endless complicated situations, which are irrelevant, but with the help of a great professional like Juan, very human and always available, with whom it was easy to connect, I have gradually found my way out to the surface.
We have already been working for 8 months and without a doubt the road has been hard but much more bearable with your support, overcoming the crises that, like all of us, arise throughout our existence.
Thanks Juan, you have not only been a great help to me, meeting you, but also a great pleasure.
I hope to continue working together for a long time.

A hug,
Name: M.Cruz
Subject: Testimony
Date: 05/16/2014
I met Juan through a relative who had helped a lot in his situation.
In my case, I was a bit desperate already with my lumbar problems, with daily pain and movement difficulties for more than six months.
Traditional medicine had done nothing more than mask the pain, and not entirely by getting me high.
I didn't want to continue like this and decided to try homeopathy and Juan.
Despite the fact that the phone seemed cold to me, I immediately connected with Juan. His ability to listen and make you feel comfortable makes you talk about everything as if it were an old friend. That is what I like the most about Juan, in addition to his involvement and his determination to help you solve your problem.
In my case it took a while to find the remedy and the right dose and have a little patience for it to take effect. But I can finally say that I'm close to being all right.
In addition, homeopathy and Juan have given me more energy, encouragement and have reinforced my desire to be well.
Thanks for being there.
Name: Clara
Subject: Testimony
Date: 05/24/2014
I can say little that they have not already said, but thank you because you have managed to find the problem I had.
My problem was an allergy type, I had been with him for several months, it was on my face and neck, many days it was like a monster, swollen face and neck, red and with patches from scratching, some days it made me bleed because the itching was unbearable, The conventional doctor would send me antihistamines and allergy tests but they couldn't find what produced it for me, the latter they wanted to put some strange patches on, but thanks to Juan they didn't put them on me, the point is that the problem won't cure you they just camouflage it.
At the moment I am phenomenal I have no itching and I can use creams, a little controlled in terms of the components, but nothing to do with it.

I learned of my savior from a friend who saw me on the street and was horrified, she put me in contact with Juan and here I am, happy with my wonderful face and neck.
I always have you in my prayers
Name: Olga
Subject: Testimony
Date: 04/06/2014
Writing this testimony fills me with emotion, emotion when remembering everything I experienced in my process, emotion for the present, emotion and gratitude that in this world there are people like Juan, who after almost two years has become a friend, a great friend and the best teacher you could have wished for.
In October 2012 I found Juan at a very difficult time in my life: after living a relationship of psychological abuse I suffered a process of post traumatic stress that led me to suffer from insomnia for more than four months (and when I say insomnia I mean that I managed to sleep barely an hour at a time every night), nightmares, terrors, anxiety attacks ... I really felt that I was in hell, in the darkest well. Obviously I was taking allopathic medication, which only made the nightmare worse. I was immersed in a journey of GPs and psychiatrists who insisted on constantly changing my medication without ever acknowledging that it was not working. They were months in which I could not go out, in which my safe space was my room, the living room and the bathroom of my parents' house, where I had to move leaving behind my city, my house, my life.
Finding Juan was a gift within all that process, I could expand enormously in this testimony but I think that now I only have to talk about the present, the past is in those lines above and that is where it has to be, remembering helps me to see with perspective, it helps me know where I come from, but now there is only the present.
It's been a long time since I stopped taking my medication, I returned home, I started working again, I went out to the streets again, to laugh ... in short, to live. And it has not been easy, it is not a question of magic, it is a difficult road many times if you want to go deeper. I was very clear that I wanted to do it, after what I experienced I do not want to put patches on my life. And that's why I keep working, polishing, as if I had a little brush, all the corners that remain to be polished. The road is heading towards authenticity, towards the peace of knowing myself in my place in this world.
Throughout this process of resurrection and growth, I have had Juan by my side, supporting me, with his great empathy, his affection and enormous wisdom. Today, as I said at the beginning, Juan is a great friend to me, a very dear person. Homeopathic substances work and I trust them more and more. But a conversation with Juan is totally healing.
Namaste, teacher
Name: Carlos
Subject: Personal Homeopathic Experience
Date: 5/04/2104
...varias charlas con una buena amiga, un teléfono, mucha incredulidad por mi parte, un empujón de mi compañera de viaje, y ahi estaba yo sentado delante de un ordenador esperando la llamada de un desconocido para intentar contarle algo que me lleva pasando mucho tiempo y que ni yo mismo entendía, y que cada día que pasaba hacía mi vida mucho más difícil, y sobretodo borraba la sonrisa de mi cara ( con lo que me gusta a mi reirme). 
                 No os ha pasado nunca? Escuchas a alguien, y simplemente con oir su voz te das cuenta que estas ante una persona íntegra, que no viene a venderte humo y en la que puedes confiar, eso es lo que me pasó con Juan, a partir de ahí todo vino rodado, aunque no quieras el hace que tu mismo expliques cosas que ni siquiera pensabas que podías explicar, porque estaban tan dentro de tí, tan escondidas, tan enterradas, que casi las habías olvidado, y que pasa cuando haces eso...........PAZ, esa paz que tanto buscaste y que no podías conseguir.
                   La homeopatía para mi era como un cuento chino, pero ahora puedo decir que la homeopatía ha conseguido que sienta cosas que pensaba que jamás iba a volver a sentir. Se que me queda camino por delante, y que todavía me quedan días malos, pero ahora tengo una esperanza, la persona que fuí sigue estando ahí, no se ha ido, simplemente esta esperando a que mi paz se asiente para volver a salir a relucir.
                   Gracias Juan...simplemente muchas gracias.
Name: Nuria
Subject: my testimony
Date: 03/17/2014
Embraced sadness ... to be vulnerable is to live, today I have spoken with Juan, feeling a close heart is more cure than any medicine. I know that he has felt my pain and that is because he has felt his own pain, he has done the work that enables him to act today as a healer.

It is true that homepathy is a great medicine but if it is not practiced by a great person, its essence is truly lost. In life there is a process, homeopathy is a medicine that respects the process of life, respects the body and sees us as complete beings. Juan is helping me to respect that process. Beyond physical healing, there is personal and spiritual growth. What is being healthy? You can be free from physical pain, but if you lie and steal from the poor, you are not a healthy person. Juan has helped me to see this, he has helped me to look further, to trust myself again, and in the life process.

Not only is Juan a great homeopath, he is also a great teacher, someone who shares what he knows freely, doesn't catch it and keep it to himself, but wants to give it, because he knows that giving is receiving.
Thank you Juan for your dedication, you are a great example for everyone.
Name: Anonymous
Subject: Lose weight from within. Today a year ago I stopped being bulimic.
Date: 03/14/2014
This testimony is the one that has cost me the most to write for reasons that will be understood by those who read it. I have treated Juan with several of my physical ailments always with success. Some have cost a little more, most of the time the improvement has been immediate and Juan has always found the correct remedy because there is no one who wins it with determination and professionalism.

However, I had a problem (which sometimes still makes an appearance only on a psychological level), which is THE PROBLEM for me. That PROBLEM with capital letters is none other than the one related to weight, food and the image that I have of myself.

As a child, due to problems that are not relevant, I took refuge in food, I had a hole in my heart that I tried to cover by eating compulsively and in large quantities.

In my adolescence I managed to lose a lot of weight, achieving a very harmonious body with the consequent “social success” that this entails, but for that thinness I paid a very high price because I fell into Bulimia and was bulimic between the ages of 15 and 36.

When I met Juan almost three years ago, he vomited a part of what he ate very often. I had gained weight due to pregnancy complications and had not been able to lose those extra pounds. He spent weeks in semi-fasting and weeks in which the binges were constant and the vomiting also. I was in a spiral of despair because “that body” that I had so hard to achieve and that “dream” number that had appeared so many times on my scale in the past, had disappeared giving way to a body with 12 kilos more.

My despair, sadness, anguish and even self-shame were latent and more than evident.

Juan, from the first moment, showed empathy, affection, and a willingness to help that he had never found in other therapists or dietitians. Every time I had a vomiting relapse, there he was, giving me encouragement and confidence in myself and assuring me that the end of the nightmare would come, as it has been. I keep his sms from that time because by rereading them I am even more aware of my healing.

First, it helped me to eat an adequate, balanced and, above all, orderly diet. It made me aware that the problem with eating is not only a difficulty in acquiring a good habit but that it involves a lot of psychological and blockages that we can all have. Over time I managed to open a bag of chips and eat only two or three, not the whole bag as before, or stop eating when I felt satiated, or identify real hunger and distinguish it from gluttony, or not take refuge in food. day I was sad or had had a problem. All the therapy was supplemented with homeopathic remedies.

For the first time, I began to have control over myself and my diet, I was able to say no and decide what to eat and how much. I stopped being a slave to food and began to be a free woman with decision-making capacity.

Finally, last summer, with fear, but with enthusiasm, I got on the dreaded scale: I had lost 9 kilos without dieting, without restrictions or vomiting.

The best of all is that despite being very happy about this obvious physical change, my happiness was no longer linked to a number, I felt like a different, safe, free woman and my stability was no longer connected to a size or a comment. about my appearance. My happiness emanates from inside me, from the person I am and, above all, from knowing that although I thought I would never achieve it and have a hard time, I had finally discovered in myself the will power and the ability to say no. I have not made myself vomit for a year and have not binged nonsense.

I only have words of thanks for Juan, who has also become a great friend. Serve this testimony for those people who are going through moments of despair caused by their physical appearance or their extra kilos. We are not a number on the scale, Juan can help you understand that.
Name: José Antonio
Subject: Testimony
Date: 02/07/2014
I want to leave the testimony about a relative with bipolar disorder since he was 17 years old, today he is 64. In general, his whole life has been a pilgrimage between psychiatrists and family doctors and although it is true that allopathic medications, those of Throughout their lives, they contained the disease and kept the patient under control, preventing their state from "shooting up" either to a strong depression or to excessive euphoria, it is no less true that their obsessive manifestations are not attenuated at all with allopathic medications, that is, with the typical purely chemical eleboración pasitillas and considerably enhanced by being precisely chemical. It has always been said colloquially that "give to God what belongs to God and to Caesar what belongs to Caesar", without allopathic medicine this family member would have quickly become out of control to depression or to euphoria, in fact this happened in periods in which he erroneously tried to self-medicate and reduce or not take that allopathic medicine, a gross error all the more without being accompanied by alternative therapies. With these things you have to be very cautious and never do self-medicating therapies but always have the help of professionals of allopathic and / or alternative medicine.

And now comes the part that is Cesar's turn; Never has allopathic medicine, the so-called nerve pills, managed to attenuate its obsessive manifestations, which consist of always repeating the same words for the patient, (since I am not well, this does not go away, and similar comments) and these repetitions They occur as I say continuously, from the moment you get up until you go to sleep. The patient repeats them 10, 20 or even more than 30 times throughout the day, and this is really overwhelming both for the patient and for the relatives who live with him. Well, since Juan García has been treating with homeopathy, this repetitive stress has lessened in a very considerable way, it is true that it has not been by way of "touch with a magic wand" but that it has taken time, it takes about 5 months in treatment and it is true that he has ups and downs, better days and worse days, but this already resembles normality or a healthy life much more, we all have better and worse days; But as I say, the quality of life for the patient and for the relatives with whom he lives has improved a lot and we trust that it will continue to improve even more. So encouragement to all those who are in similar situations that I attest that homeopathy; with perseverance, effort and time he helps everyone a lot.
Thanks for everything to Juan García.

Name: Elisabet
Subject: Wonderful Path to Healing
Date: 01/17/2014
I don't know how I will be able to condense so much information about how my Anxiety Disorder Healing has come about, but the essential and summarized in one sentence is that I NEVER thought that this moment would come. I would never have imagined finding myself so happy, serene, balanced, with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
My initial testimony can be found hanging among other testimonials. My journey with homeopathy and with Juan goes back 2 years. I never believed that the moment of recovery would come. It has been a long road, always hand in hand with Juan and homeopathy. Without these two things I would not have been able to recover.
Having always needed Juan and his homeopathic wisdom has produced a large part of the healing and the other part has been from within. Working such obvious areas as food, exercise and mental training through meditation.
All these ingredients together have allowed me to reach the point where I am today with perseverance and determination.
I can say that after 20 years of continuous suffering I feel alive, free, independent and autonomous again. For me that is Full Happiness
Name: Elena
Subject: Testimony
Date: 8/1/2014
My name is Elena and I am 38 years old, I was tired of not understanding what was happening to my body and my mind. After years and years of resigning myself and accepting as normal the daily fatigue, the bad mood, seeing that things were not going well in my relationships, after blaming the world and the circumstances of being like this, after ranting fiercely against the current health system and his aberrations for not being cured, ultimately fighting against everything and feeling that my body began to hurt more and more and in increasingly different and more imaginative ways, one day, I felt the urge to search the internet for the etymology of the word sick , I was curious, I wanted to know what it meant exactly to include me in the group of sick people or simply stay in the group of afflicted complainers dissatisfied with life.

It said thus, Sick from the Latin infirmus (in-firmus) "he who is not firm" or "lacking firmness". What was that lacking firmness? I thought that sick was the one who had a pain in his foot or had a cough, but he said the one who has no firmness ... how strange ...
I just went on with my life, but day by day I was finding the answer. My firmness was leaving me and now I realized in the hours and hours devoted to a frustrating job to which I was addicted, my firmness was leaving in each toxic relationship, it was leaving in not having time to eat properly, in the struggle with the world, in the resentment towards my parents, I left with the pain of living this in silence and in solitude because no one was inside me to understand it, I asked myself what is wrong with you?
I began to understand why my body ached and complained, I understood that that was his way of speaking to me. I understood then why my mind did not help me and only gave me sadness and pain.
I had yielded my steadfastness to people and circumstances. I didn't want to go on like this. At that moment you don't know what to do! you think you're crazy and you make excuses for doing nothing, because you don't have enough self-confidence to change things, you think it's too late and you see that simply the harmful routine of years and years has made you forget who you are and what you are worth. And you say okay, and now how do I get out of here?
And then roads open up and walking through them I came here, to this page. A few months ago Juan one of my admired "teachers" appeared in cyberspace, with homeopathy among his tools and knowledgeable as few of the art of restoring "firmness" understanding perfectly how I feel, polishing my life with a wonderful normality. I hope that if you got here it is because this is also your moment.

"When the student is ready the teacher appears"
Name: Itzel
Subject: Testimony
Date: 7/12/2013
After having tried homeopathy previously with Juan and having verified what an excellent professional and good person he is (I also left my testimony here), I wanted to share the incredible results of the last treatment. Since my first period, my periods have been exaggeratedly irregular and as a teenager I was diagnosed as having polycystic ovaries. I started treating myself for the first time about seven years ago with contraceptive pills that managed to control my periods when I took them, but when I stopped again it was a disaster and, most importantly, they were still polycystic unless they were on treatment hormonal. After having my baby, when I returned to the subject of the routine with the pills, they made me feel very very bad (the contraceptives indicated for this type of ovaries are strong) and I did not want to take them again, but I was still worried about being with them. ovaries like that, so I decided to bring it up to Juan just in case there was any chance about it through homeopathy. Well, after studying it, he gave me a treatment that, if I remember correctly, was for four cycles and I did see that my rules, although they are still not quite regular, have improved a lot, but the "litmus test" was missing and that is recently in my annual gynecological check-up, when I had the ultrasound, my ovaries were perfect !!! I couldn't believe it, well yes, because I trust Juan, hehe, but it continues to be completely amazing to me !! It gives me great peace of mind to know that my ovaries are finally clean and without the need to be taking contraceptives.

I certainly recommend people to try homeopathy if it is from the hand of a true professional like Juan.
Name: Anonymous
Date: 12/4/2013
Subject: Testimony
As a novice in the immersion of the homeopathic world, I want to record my experience to whom I can serve as a reference regarding the radical change that it has meant for me based on my skepticism about my scientific training (I am a chemist) and because I come from a family of pharmacists.
The fact is that in the face of despair due to certain chronic discomforts dragged down over the years, increased by my personal facet of being a mother for 8 years, carrying around with the house, work, etc ... and not having time to my personal care, my attempts to improve with general medicine had always been unsuccessful.
The complaints centered on a state of constant exhaustion due to genetic inheritance iron anemia and an acute condition due to mucus and persistent cough that lasted for months (for 4 months).
Despite constant visits to traditional medicine doctors, I could not overcome these symptoms and my discomfort was obviously growing.
Encouraged by a positive experience of my sister, I decided to try homeopathy specifically with the recommendation of the homeopath of this service.
The result in my case has been 100% positive and in a matter of !!! 2 DAYS !!! I have managed to overcome my respiratory condition in an immediate way.
The treatment for emotional aspects and their affection on the physical plane is also already directed and has also begun to bear fruit, although they require a longer time.
For my part, I only recommend to those people who suffer from discomforts that always take away a lot of quality of life, that they are not satisfied with them, that if you look for solutions you will find them.
I consider myself a pragmatic person in the sense that until there is a positive result I don't believe in anything. In the case of homeopathy the conviction has been immediate given the efficiency of the treatment and the speed of response in my instantaneous improvement
Name: Javier
Subject: Testimony
Date: 3/11/2013
I can only speak well of Juan.
The truth is that he is one of the best therapists that I have
But it is that besides being an excellent professional, Juan is a magnificent
We have had the good fortune to meet him on our vital path in
Arbúcies, and has been helping me and all my family to recover the
balance and health since then.
His dedication and dedication is commendable, at the height of his ability as
I don't have enough words to thank you for what you are doing
for us Juan!
Thank you with all our hearts! :)
Name: Laura
Subject: Testimony
Date: 10/22/2013
Hi all! I wanted to leave my testimony so that I could help others
people who may be in my situation.
I have been treating Juan for two months, due to an anxiety problem, with
that I have been carrying for 10 years.
And a very repeated pharyngitis that may be because they removed me
the tonsils.
Before meeting Juan, I was tired of going to the psychiatrist,
psychologists ... without any result, more than the only one to fill you
pills, which leave you anesthetized hiding the problem without
solve anything With fears, phobias ... Seeing that it was getting worse and worse, and
having illusion for nothing. I had such despair, that looking one day
online I decided to treat myself with homeopathy.
I found Juan, and since I met him, blessed that day! I have improved
I no longer have tachycardia and some fears are disappearing.
It is still early and it is a long process, but the results so far
are satisfactory.
On the issue of pharyngitis, I have also improved a lot, I have had a
episode recently and it has not been like before that it made me much worse, I
cured in a short time and quite well.
Now I feel more energetic, more vital and happier, thanks to
Juan, for his great professionalism, his support, for listening to me, understanding the
things and help me have a better quality of life.
Name: Joaquim
Subject: Testimony
Date: 10/16/2013
Hace ya diez meses de la primera visita con Joan Garcia, tenia varios
problemas relacionados con mi salud intestinal. Todo ha sido controlado
gracias a los conocimientos de Joan que estudio mi personalidad. Vio la
posible solucion e hizo diana. Ahora y a la vez se me han solucionado
otros temas asociados a la salud, tales como tension en los dedos de
ambas manos o una uña del pie enferma. El caso es que con la misma
medicacion se me ha ido atenuando y puedo decir que ya no hay secuelas.
Yo quiero animar a los pacientes con problemas de la tercera edad que se
animen a tomar visita. Joan Garcia tiene amplios conocimientos y antes
de darte una medicacion , medita, consulta y cuando te da un diagnostico
, esta totalmente seguro de que te va a ir bien. Ya digo, la pena es que
no lo haya descuebierto antes, pero me doy por satisfecho ya que a mis
78 años voy a tratar de disfrutarlos con una buena salud y con
muchisimo mas humor. Gracias Joan, sigue haciendo el bien para
alargarnos el bienestar nuestro. Para mi eres un milagro !!
Nombre: AMC
Asunto: Testimonio
Fecha: 03 / 10 / 2013
Hello to the one who reads it !!

I am not very willing to participate in forums or leave my public testimony but I believe that the occasion requires my exception since, if another (another) can benefit from my lived experience, then sooooo much better.

The issue is that since I can remember (I am 42 years old), my periods (menstruation) have ALWAYS been characterized by presenting an abundant bleeding (flow) (hemorrhagic rules), so abundant that it required changing every hour or, at most, hour and a half.

This has implied me suffering, for many years, recurrent episodes of anemia ("lack of iron") and what this implies (physical exhaustion, etc).

And then I met Juan and I decided to treat my subject with homeopathy, a science that I had already known for years but that, due to wrong inertia, I had resisted trying.

My surprise was when, after only 15 days of treatment, my first period came with very little flow !! The treatment I have continued for 3 more months and the other two periods that I have had in this time of treatment (therefore 3 periods in total) have also been of an extraordinarily low flow.

If to this OBJECTIVELY brilliant result, medically speaking, we add Juan's humanly exquisite treatment, it makes the whole, for me, a fantastic experience !!!

Hopefully my testimony can be of more use to you so that I can help you in a case similar to mine because I know very well how badly it is with bleeding rules !!

Thanks Juan for your time and your wisdom !!
Name: Emma
Subject: Testimony
Date: 1/10/2013
I have been a patient of Juan now for many years, and he also treats my children, i would never go to anyone else.
All my treatments for mental and physical problems have been with incredible results, especially for me the mental problems, and also for my daughter with emotional.
Not only the Homeopathy, but Juan as a therapists, someone to talk to and that understands, someone that gives all his time and helps you through the understandings of life and struggles, this is very difficult to find in a person.
I know that he has helped so many people, and has changed the life of so many, people that were so desperate and lost, when they have tried everything and thought there was no way out. He gives them strength and encouragement, to help them through such dark times and suffering.
Continue Juan with this gift you have, with your dedication, believes, and professionalism, and what you can do to help others. You are a very unique person, and this gift you have, is something very special, and im so glad i have found you.
Name: Laura
Subject: Testimony
Date: 09/28/2013
Hola Juan,

Espero que esto pueda ayudar a otras personas que estén en mi situación, ya que en los pocos meses que llevo haciendo el tratamiento homeopático contigo he mejorado mucho más que en los tres años que han pasado desde que empecé con la hipocondría.
Explico mi situación.
Hace tres años empecé a tener episodios de taquicardia, sobre todo después de hacer ejercicio o cuando ya estaba relajada, que al principio ignoraba, pero que después empezaron a preocuparme horriblemente, hasta el punto de hacerme dormir mal. No es que tuviera muchas, pero empecé a fijarme demasiado en el corazón y cualquier cosa que pasara, ya fuera una extrasístole o simplemente que un músculo del pecho se contrajera, me ponía en alerta. Y cuando me ponía nerviosa ya era horrible. En el médico nadie me supo decir nada ya que cuando me tomaban el pulso en un electro todo era correcto. 
A los cinco meses estaba muy nerviosa porque no sabía lo que me pasaba. Buscaba en internet todo tipo de enfermedades y eso ya fue mi perdición. Ya no era cuestión del corazón, hasta el mínimo dolor de cabeza me ponía en alerta. Fue entonces cuando me dio por mirar el prospecto de mis pastillas para la alergia y ver que podían producir taquicardias. Pero ya era tarde para mí, y ese verano lo pasé muy mal; incluso hice a mis abuelos llevarme al médico por un ataque de ansiedad provocado porque mi abuela me tomó la tensión y la tenía baja.
Y así he pasado dos años, vigilando el corazón a la vez que me decía que no pasaba nada porque generalmente estaba bien. Además, cada mes tenía que ir al médico o tomar ibuprofenos debido a un dolor de garganta que me venía al "sentir aire frío en la garganta" al respirar en la cama, y que ningún médico me pudo explicar su causa, además de que me miraban como si estuviera mal de la cabeza, lo peor que se le puede hacer a una persona hipocondríaca.
Fue entonces cuando a mi madre se le ocurrió que intentara un tratamiento homeopático con Juan, ya que había sido su homeópata también y estaba muy contenta. Así que acordamos una fecha para el primer contacto, en el que yo le conté todo lo que me pasaba y él no únicamente no me miraba con la cara que ponían los demás médicos cuando les explicaba lo de la garganta o lo del corazón, sino que además me hacía preguntas y hablaba conmigo. Sólo eso ya ayudaba mucho. Después de unos días, me mandó comprar un remedio homeopático en función de lo que yo le había contado, que es el que sigo tomando ahora.
En dos semanas me sentía bien, dejé de preocuparme con el corazón y en general me sentía muchísimo más animada. Ahora estoy en un estado al que hace dos años no me habría imaginado que podría volver. Me encuentro bien. Sigo teniendo trazas de hipocondría, pero cada vez menos. Y como dato adicional, añado que las sesiones no son para nada aburridas, sino que son charlas agradables y tranquilizantes, y están llenas de consejos.
Por lo tanto, a todo el esté pasando por lo que he pasado yo, le recomiendo darle una oportunidad a la homeopatía con Juan. Yo le estoy infinitamente agradecida por devolverme el ánimo. Porque la homeopatía no simplemente trata lo físico, sino sobre todo lo psíquico. Y ya sabéis, mente sana, cuerpo sano.
Así que nada más que decir MUCHAS GRACIAS a Juan, y espero que la gente se anime a la medicina natural.
¡Un saludo de una ex-hipocondríaca!
Name: Eva Maria
Subject: Testimony
Date: 08/19/2013
Hello John,
We are writing to thank you a billion for your help today.
If you are going to publish this, which we would like it to be, explain what happened.
We are Andalusian and we are on vacation in Catalonia. Our homeopath is also on vacation (she left us some pointers, but of course she couldn't foresee everything). Our Matías, two years and 9 months old, has been coughing a lot for two days, but today it was a lot. We had started giving him his usual treatment for his coughs this winter, but to no avail. This afternoon he had a big coughing attack, after not having been able to take almost no nap at all, with which the poor man was very complaining, and we were very sorry. We were considering buying normal medicine in a pharmacy, but the truth was, we didn't feel like it. I remembered ever seeing some homeopathy online in a search I did for something. I have entered the Smartphone, I have searched, I have found Juan and his mobile number, I have called him. And in five minutes he was treating me very kindly, and with the solution. AND FREE!
Really, we were driving to town, and we had a good vibes that I think things changed before medicine.
We will not forget you. And in addition, we will tell everyone!
A big hug.
If you ever visit Córdoba, call us. We are great tour guides ;-)
Name: Angels
Subject: Testimony
Date: 08/18/2013
I wanted to leave a great THANK YOU to JUAN.
For about a year I had been suffering from quite severe back pain, one day I was in such a hurry that I had to go to the hospital for emergencies, my traumatologist visited me and he referred me to the Neurologist, after performing several important tests to rule out any problem, The conclusion was that the pain was of a neruralgic type, they only managed to calm my pain with medications such as Diazepan, Tezazepan, Lyrica, Nolotyl, etc.
Given the problem and tired of suffering intense pain, especially when I was relaxing, Friday nights, weekends, etc., I decided to get in touch with Juan. I must say that it was a great luck for me to find him on my way, apart from a great professional he is a great person, I no longer know what helped me if his way of making me see things, his homeopathic advice, his great understanding. Apart from helping my health problem, it helped me emotionally, to have a different point of view of things, to try to take things more calmly and not be so self-demanding with myself.
If I had to define my state at that time it was as a continuous suffering, a state of perpetual anxiety from which I did not disconnect, apparently I looked good but inwardly I was suffering a lot emotionally and physically from the pain.
Luckily, between the medication from my Neurologist (of which the dose has already been reduced) plus Juan's homeopathic advice, plus his great psychological and emotional help, I must say that I have improved a lot.
I will always keep in touch with him, I am extremely grateful to him, I repeat again for all those who have a minimum doubt that he is a great professional and above all a great person.
Thanks Juan for your help and I hope to continue improving day by day.
Name: Mar
Subject: Testimony
Date: 07/29/2013
I want to say that I am dealing with Juan and although I am at the beginning of the path as he says, I am very happy with my therapist, that is, with Juan :), in whom I fully trust. If you talked to him you would understand. He turns to people, you can see that he is passionate about his profession and for me that is a guarantee. The next time I write will be to tell you how good I am, sure.
By the way, my one-year-old niece was cured with homeopathy, she's like new, due to a cold-bronchial-whooping cough problem. Trust homeopathy as I am doing. Sea.

Name: Elisabet
Date: 07/18/2013
I had never been an allergic person to pollen, grasses etc ... But about 10 years ago I began to develop allergic symptoms such as rhinitis, itchy eyes, internal itchy nose, itchy palate and sneezing attacks with a lot of mucus.

I did the tests and, indeed, it was positive for grasses, olive trees, cypresses, and banana trees.

They gave me medication and it was working. But over the years it got worse and worse. The medication was no longer working. I had to go home with a mask. And in the last year I even slept with the mask and more specifically this spring the mask did not even prevent my allergic attacks while I slept, so I spent the nights raging with itching.

My career with Juan has already been around 2 years since he treats me for other issues such as Anxiety, Headaches, Sinusitis and Allergy.

In the area of Allergy, as in almost all other conditions, the change has been SPECTACULAR.

I spent practically from one day to another to wear a sleep mask to not wear it all day and to have practically no allergic symptoms. The last to deal with was the itching of the palate that made me wake up at night and with a very specific remedy that Juan nailed the first time, it COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED.

I could'nt believe it. So many years with this unpleasant discomfort that lasted in my 10 months of the 12 of the year, and the truth that it was a not living.

Now I can go out in the garden without having to wear a mask, and I don't even have a sneeze.

Once again, I confirm that Juan with his WISDOM knows how to treat patients in such a way that he finds the Remedy in a few attempts.

I want to make one last review in favor of Homeopathy: since I started with Juan and homeopathy I have gone through many phases and it is becoming increasingly clear that physical conditions, disorders or illnesses appear because there is a mental / psychological problem. We think that it is not related, but I can assure you that as in these 2 years that I am treating myself with Juan and solving my physical / mental problems they are undoing each other so as not to appear again.
Name: Bethlehem
Subject: Testimony
Date: 07/14/2013
Hello again, I already left a testimony on the forum when I commented on my gratitude and enthusiasm for having found Juan on my way. I was going through a bad nervous moment and today I am much better. In these months, some health problems have emerged that Juan has resolved, as always, impeccably. My son suffered from stomach pains, which we attributed to the nerves of the exams, for more than six days, we went to the emergency room they did all kinds of tests and they did not find what it was. I called Juan and with one of his remedies in 24 hours they had disappeared, and until today. I also had a ganglion in my foot, I took his medicine and in two weeks it has disappeared. Without a doubt, I recommend everyone to trust homeopathy, it works, as long as it is from the hand of a good professional, and in this case, with Juan, a wonderful person.
Again, a thousand thanks and all my love.
Name: Alberto
Subject: Testimony
Date: 07/1/2013
I have been a patient of Juan for more than two years. Well, the whole family is through my partner, who was the one who contacted and encouraged me to put ourselves under her homeopathic guidance.
I would like to highlight two things. The first is that I had already received homeopathic treatment and my son also, without any notable improvement in either of them. The second is that an online therapist was initially somewhat distant and uncertain.
In the first case, my previous experience has become worthless, because in Juan we have found an attentive therapist, a tireless researcher and constant support. I think I could never have imagined something better.
In the second, I have found someone close and warm capable of listening to do their job with commendable dedication.
In these two years, we have proven how homeopathy was more than remedies for diseases or ailments. In addition to improving the body, it has been a source of balance in all aspects.
Nor could he imagine that among its therapeutic values was the psychological and emotional sphere and it has been important to cope with crises and difficult moments.
So we have not only opened a door to a way to improve health, but we have also met a solvent professional and an understanding and open person, who does not give up until he finds the way to improve the lives of his patients.
But I do not want to leave the testimony without details, back pain, knee pain, excesses, colic, infections, nasal polyps and other ailments have been treated in these two years with remarkable success.
And this testimony aims not only to acknowledge it, but to encourage anyone who visits this page looking for a solution to their problems to trust Juan, because I know that he will do everything possible to find her.
Name: Sonia
Subject: Testimony
Date: 06/15/2013
I wanted to leave my testimony as a patient of Juan for almost two years, because I believe that due to the time that I have been with him, I can attest to his great work as a homeopathic doctor and psychologist. When I met him, I took my daughter because she had been suffering from tummy aches for 5 years and after going through doctors and specialists and many tests I did not get her to improve, and Juan managed to remove those pains that sometimes even prevented her from continuing with her life. It has been a great relief to see that after this time she has not suffered from them again.
Also, while he was treating her, he knew how to see that I was having a bad psychological moment and he recommended that I talk to him about the issue and the truth is that it was my salvation. I had tremendous headaches and insomnia, and he knew how to see the cause and treat them, and I have to say that I have not had any that bad again. Sometimes my head hurts, but rarely and with a weak intensity, before I always ended up in the hospital. I have a way of being very sensitive and everything affects me excessively, causing me physical pain: from headaches to tension in the neck. Talking to him and his treatment I lead a much better life. My son has come out to me and has also helped him.
In addition to these more serious problems, it has also solved menstrual cramps, and my daughter allergy issues, which although more recent also affect one's life when he is with continuous rhinitis. And I am happy because the allergist wanted to treat her by taking medication continuously and with vaccines because allergies are something chronic, and with Juan I have not needed any of that.
I have to say that he has also treated our dog. So you know, here we all fit ...
I am very happy to have met Juan and to have trusted in his good work. I'm glad I didn't give up in times of discouragement, and that I trusted homeopathy. My quality of life is much better, and I owe that to him.
Thanks Juan for being who you are, a great person, patient, who knows how to listen, who gives encouragement and strength. Thank you for loving your work. Thank you for your dedication and dedication, for always being there.
Name: José manuel
Subject: Testimony
Date: 5/22/2013
Después de veinticinco años con problemas de depresión,ansiedad,de vivir una vida sin significado y de estar cansado de ir de psiquiatra en psiquiatra de tomar hasta quince pastillas diarias,pero eso si,no cansado de seguir buscando algo que me sumergiera del pozo en el que había caído.
Me decía a mi mismo:"Esto que estoy viviendo no puede ser mi vida"
Después de tomar un sin fin de tratamientos que lo único que me hacían era anestesiarme de la vida y con muchos efectos secundarios aunque hay que decirlo también me cortaron algo del gran sufrimiento que llevaba en la mochila de mi vida.
Un día me di cuenta que la medicina tradicional ya no podía hacer mas por mi.Entonces buscando por una medicina alternativa ,encuentro en internet:"Homeopatía online".Me pregunté :¿y esta modernidad?,!ya no saben lo que inventar!,pero no tengo nada que perder,voy a probar.Y bendito el día que conocí a Juan Garcia ,un profesional de los pies a la cabeza.
Cuando hablé con Juan la primera vez ya noté algo diferente,algo que mis oídos querían escuchar,algo interior me decía que estaba en el buen camino.Me puse en sus manos y mi vida en poco tiempo empezó a cambiar hacia ese propósito que es la recuperación .
Con esta medicina alternativa todo funciona en positivo ,nada de efectos secundarios y los cambios no se hacen esperar.
Mi vida en menos de seis meses dio un cambio de un cien por cien.
Un día le comenté a Juan:"¿donde estabas metido que llevo veinticinco años buscándote ?,Juan se echo a reír y me dio las gracias,pero como el es tan sencillo me dijo:"Yo solo aguantaba el espejo para que te vieras ,no hice nada mas"
Con la mano en el corazón y desde mi humilde opinión,por favor no esperéis tanto tiempo como yo y no dudéis ni un segundo,poneros en contacto con Juan,el resto viene solo.
Gracias por todo Juan,gracias por devolverme a la vida.
Un abrazo muy especial.
Algún día nos encontraremos en el camino.
Jose manuel
Name: Bethlehem
Subject: Serenity
Date: 05/14/2013
From there I sit down to write to you now, from the recovered serenity, away from fear, panic, anxiety, agoraphobia.

I want to send my testimony to the people who for one reason or another walk around here. And I want to thank, from the depths of my soul, that my steps brought me to Juan one day. To read the testimony of a person on this page and who has accompanied me during this time. That they, my family and the people who love me have trusted me, so that together with homeopathy, all my vital force would make me feel alive again.

For many years I have been immersed in this spiral of anxiety, panic and agoraphobia, with intermittent periods. But when I got to Juan I was hitting rock bottom, my life was a fear of FEAR ... my life was not life. As we usually do when we are like this, I would go through agoraphobia forums one after another, each more discouraging. Years and years, anguish and anguish, antidepressants and benzodiazepines, and the spirits of all those who suffer it pointed out that there is no end or way out. You end up giving up, and no. For that I wanted to leave this testimony, to encourage anyone not to give up, not to quit.

I know I still have a long way to go, I have only been with Juan for two months, but I have advanced so much, and in such a renewed way, so full, so serene that although the symptoms sometimes return, that although fear continues to haunt some corner , serenity stands out above them.

Now, any day, sunny or cloudy, it seems beautiful to me. I open my window and when I see the world I know that I am going to reach it because I feel like it, instead of fear. Taking homeopathy has allowed all my physical, mental, nervous and spiritual exhaustion to disappear. He has let my SELF out, crumbled under so many demolitions.

Counting on that path, in that time with Juan, has been "the most" has an empathy, a humanity, a peace and a goodness that it is impossible not to get infected. His invaluable wisdom, his personal approach, his great sensitivity and his enormous heart are an invaluable help.

I still find it difficult to go out, drive a car, sometimes stay alone ... but I begin to see it with more desire than fear. So I will tell you.

There will be many things that will help you, allopathy at the beginning, meditation, relaxation, mindfulness, reading (I would recommend Claire Weekes to begin with), but the homeopathy / Juan binomial is the philosopher's stone, the essential starting point for understand that this is not our end, but our new beginning.
“Each person is struggling with their own problems. Be nice to her. You will not be able to solve them in their place, but your kindness may be the miracle I was waiting for "

Thank you for being and being.
Name: Carmen
Subject: Testimony
Date: 8/05/2013
There are so many things that he has dealt with us in these two years or so that we have been with Juan. However, there is something that I never thought could change so much, and that is the emotional state of my oldest son (8 years old). He spent half his life anguished, tense and with a certain negativity, nervous ... Well, I have to say that homeopathy has brought out of him that positive and happy child that he really is, leaving behind the anguish and hyperactivity.

In my case, recently I was solved in a few days urinary incontinence that had been dragging on for a long time.

Now I know that there is almost nothing, that homeopathy (with the right therapist, of course!) Can not stop !!
Name: Isabel
Date: 8/04/2013
Subject: Testimony
I would like to thank Juan Garcia's ability to understand the human being, his professionalism and, of course, his Humanity, essential to understand this naked monkey that each one of us carries inside.
My testimony has to do with my daughter, then 11 years old, she suffered severe headaches, which had lasted a whole month, the root of the problem, indicated that it came from the mouth, having put a palate expander so that all his teeth could be well located, and later, the braces. All these movements, in the teeth, jaw and palate, made her suffer terribly, until she decided to talk to Juan, himself, who advised me the correct homeopathy for her. The most amazing thing was that the process was cut short and in short, she has NEVER SUFFERED from headaches.
I myself also suffered a Rhinitis and it was also wonderful, yes, that thing that you drop the needle from your nose and you cannot control and also you are sneezing for anything anywhere, puuf! awkward !!!
Well and also another episode of anxiety that gives you that tachycardia that seems like you are going to die ..... well, you die, yes, but you are reborn as Jesus Christ, and you are someone new ..... RESET ... What I mean is that homeopathy helps you to look inside, and be honest with yourself, because there is no other way, and with help, and humility it is always easier ...
May the Great Spirits always protect you, and may your Gift always be a seed
Thanks Juan
Name: Patricia de la O
Date: 02/27/2013
Subject: Testimony
I would like to somehow make public the importance of Juan entering my life.

When I contacted him, frankly, I didn't have high hopes for this type of treatment.

After a dismissal and a series of family and sentimental problems, I was left prostrate, without exaggerating a word, I could not pull my body, I did only what was necessary, I spent the day drugged, with an enormous need to sleep.

As if I had been injected with a sleeping pill for elephants. I drank huge amounts of coffee, rosemary tea, Coca-Cola, guarana ... but there was no way.
Conventional medicine did not offer me help, they simply said that it was a defense of the body and mind, without even imagining how these conditions limit the quality of life.My family believed that I did not make an effort, that I made it up ... people that happens to them; and I tell you that I have met several, you know what you suffer in that comatose state of sleep.

Juan studied my case, we talked a lot, I was surprised by his warmth, the calm and polite way in which he conducts the interview when it was the turn of data that could be or be compromised for certain people.

It made me feel good. To emphasize that Juan treats me remotely, and I am grateful that he offers that service to those of us who are far from him, because the service is great and it is a good way to reach many people and even favors some communication mode, taking refuge in the anonymity of the airwaves when you have to deal with delicate things.

A week after starting the indicated treatment, my life began to change, I began to be able to get up in the morning, and to wake up little by little from that state until my waking states normalized.

After seeing the results, I continued treating the problem of a pain that was not cured, he gave me the remedy, it was like magic.

Currently I have put myself in his hands again and although the work is beginning to bear fruit, I have a long way to go, I do not care, I will take whatever is necessary, because I will do it under the supervision of an excellent person and professional.

Thank you. Juan, for the light you give our way, for your work and commitment. Thank you for your listening skills. Thank you for your medicine, today I have hope.
Name: Jomaira
Date: 02/17/2013
Subject: Cystitis
I am very happy to have met Juan, I had never tried homeopathy but it has been a very beneficial finding for the ailment that I develop, a month and a half ago I started with a urinary tract infection, I began to medicate myself with routine medication (the life) but things were not improving, 7 days later I asked for Juan's help and things began to improve, in a week I was very well, a month and a half have passed and I find the infection great the infection has not returned develop . thanks Juan
Name: Silvia
Date: 02/15/2013
Subject: Serohemorrhagic viral conjunctivitis.
My 4-year-old son was diagnosed with serohemorrhagic viral conjunctivitis last Thursday, 07 and they told us at the hospital that it is one of the most virulent conjunctivitis, as well as that he would spend about 10 days with a lot of discomfort and pain. We got in touch with Juan and in just 24 hours, following his lead, my son was much better. In 3 days his eyes were completely healed and so on. Just thank Juan for the wonderful work he does with us, his involvement, his empathy and above all his absolute professionalism.

Name: Marta
Date: 02/07/2013
Subject: Testimony
I met John and he immediately gave me confidence and
I put myself in his hands. Ever since I've been dealing with him (fa
thing 4 months) I have improved in many ways. For many years
he had problems with constipation and colon pain, and currently all of that
has disappeared. Homeopathy has also gone very well for me
anxiety problems.
Now Joan is also treating my two children, for allergy problems,
and my husband for diabetes problems. All four of us are great
happy, because we are seeing how little by little we are getting better and in this way we have a better quality of life. Thank you so much Joan !!
Name: Kim
Date: 02/02/2013
Subject: Testimony
he estat visitat per Joan Garcia i despres de la visita segona he quedat tremendament satisfet dels resultats optinguts respecta a la millora del meu estat general. Crec sens cap dubte que Joan es un metge del tot, eficient amb l'estudi que fa del pacient i si triga un xic mes del compte es degut a que estudia amb profunditat totes les dades que a traves de la consulta amb el pacient, arriva a la recepte adecuada i al menys am el que a mi respecte ha sapigut fer "DIANA" perque en menys d'un mes jo soc un altre.

La veritat que he descubert una joia amb aquest model de fer per la curacio de pacient. En Joan no necesita elogis, pero aqui s'ha guanyat els 10 punts per ser un home perfectament preparat per curar malalts.
Date: 12/15/2012
Subject: Testimony
Hello, I want to comment on my case, quite hard by the way. I've been since I was 27

(I am currently 60) with anal incontinence, you can imagine my ordeal ..... I finally got in touch with Juan, (I had already thrown in the towel) and the truth is that the treatment he has given me has changed my life, I have improved a lot and I am very grateful to him, for his interest, professionalism, patience and dedication.

Thanks Juan, keep going because you have great potential.
Nombre: Olga 
Fecha: 12/12/2012
Asunto: Testimonio
This summer I have had the hardest time of my life. After suffering a situation of psychological abuse, I began to suffer from anxiety. The "conventional" medication prescribed by the doctors only made my situation worse because it caused me paradoxical effects, that is, I had much more anxiety than I suffered when I was not taking medication.
I did not sleep for two months, I lost weight and my anxiety was becoming more disabling, to the point of not being able to lead my normal life.
I've been through a lot of fear, a real terror of never being myself again.
I found Juan looking for resources that would take me out of the circle in which allopathic medicine had plunged me (which by the way I had never used before and in which I now believe less than ever).
From the first contact Juan gave me all his understanding and support, immediately finding the right remedy for me.
This was almost two months ago, and I have to say that I feel much better, my anxiety has disappeared and, although I know that I am still convalescing, I am now leading my normal life, I am myself again.
Juan encourages me to continue fighting and has made me understand that I never disappeared, I have only had a stone in the way.
I strongly recommend your help, full of affection and understanding, and I advise not to take allopathic medications, since their adverse effects are truly dangerous and do not help at all to solve the problems in which one is immersed, they only take you away from your essence.
Name: Marcos
Date: 11/10/2012
Subject: Surprised every day
Sólo agradecerte una vez más, Juan, tu enorme profesionalidad y empatía.

Hace justo una semana me quedé “clavado” de la espalda cogiendo una caja en el trabajo. Como tengo hernias discales entendí que empezaba una nueva temporada de dolor e impedimento para hacer ciertas cosas. Hablé con Juan ese mismo dia y en 72 horas, y siguiendo sus pautas estaba como nuevo. Ni rastro de dolor. Soy escéptico por naturaleza, pero Juan consigue día a día sorprenderme.


De corazón: A todos aquellos que tengáis dolores de espalda insoportables con todo lo que ello conlleva, os recomiendo a Juan Garcia, aunque yo no creía en ello, sólo puedo afirmar al 100% que funciona. Cuando algo nos duele y nos merma en la calidad de vida decimos: “daría lo que fuera porque desapareciera este dolor”, pues bien, Juan lo consigue a un precio muy inferior de lo que realmente vale. Este bienestar no hay dinero que lo pague.
Name: Jorge
Date: 7/10/2012
Subject: Testimony
I have always been explaining that instead of a stomach I have a concrete mixer (vanity), but this summer I have spent 2 months with severe diarrhea (reality).

When I had taken too many days to continue pretending nothing was wrong, I went to the doctors. I did not get any results. Juan managed to finish my careers looking for a toilet in a couple of days, and in a couple of weeks the definitive cure.
Apart from the immediate and distant results (incredible), its harmony, balance and sensitivity have caught my attention.
They told me recently that this health thing was going to get worse because we have to grow old.
As well. In this transit my greatest desire is to meet as many people as Juan as possible. This will certainly make me a little better.
A hug,

Name: Marta Pérez
Date: 12/09/2012
Subject: Chalazón
I got a chalazon on my right eyelid, the size of a pea. After suffering from it for a month I went to the ophthalmologist and he told me bluntly that he would have to operate because he was "very fat" and that he would not go away alone. It was then that I consulted with Juan and, after a short period of time taking homeopathy, the cyst began to decrease in size, the eyelid stopped being swollen, and the discomfort stopped. Today there is no trace of him. No operation was necessary. All lucky to have found Juan ... !!!
Name: Carolina Moll
Date: August 1, 2012
Subject: Testimony
Estoy pasando el proceso pre-menopausico con sintomas de mareo, falta de hierro,un poco de ansiedad, cansancio extremo y no veia solucion siempre mareada y cansada a traves de una amiga me dio el numero de Joan y con solo la primera consulta me di cuenta de mis sentimientos y estado actual. Me dio en principio el remedio silicea,con el que fui mejorando,pero el exito total fue el siguiente,con el remedio para el hierro. Estoy muy agradecida,he recobrado mi energia ysiento el cuerpo equilibrado. Gracias Joan.
Name: Elisabet
Date: September 7, 2012
Subject: Magic
MAGIC, with all the letters and in capital letters. That is what Juan has achieved with the problem of my pain in my leg.
4 years ago I was admitted to the hospital because my left leg stopped having sensation. I was admitted for a week because the doctors considered that they were going to have to attend me for an Embolism imminently, since the symptoms were balanced. He had no sensation from groin to ankle.
During that week they did all kinds of tests and nothing conclusive, discharging me from the hospital.
Time passed and the numbness became pain, pain 24 hours a day, sometimes it was excruciating pain that made me cry. I was with painkillers and managed to mitigate some of those great annoyances. And so he had been living with it for 4 years.
One day I decided to comment more seriously to Juan, since he was already treating me for other things. She indicated the remedy to take for the discomfort of the leg and in ONE WEEK I was TOTALLY HEALED. I could'nt believe it. That is why I qualify it as "MAGIC", the great magic of homeopathy through Juan's transmitter.

I wish I had met you 20 years ago. My life would have been very different thanks to homeopathy, your advice, your unconditional support and your professionalism.
Name: Silvia
Date: 09/21/2012
Subject: Endometrial polyp
In April of this year my gynecologist discovered that I had a polyp in the endometrium of considerable size and that almost certainly would have to be removed by surgery. We decided to see each other again in September to see how much she had grown in those months and to schedule the surgery for December of this year.
Yesterday was the visit, and yesterday the gynecologist informed me after doing the pertinent ultrasound that the polyp had shrunk so much that it had almost disappeared. He deprogrammed the surgery and asked me between surprised and incredulous (because there are not many cases in which polyps disappear spontaneously and more than that size) if I had been treated with any medication without commenting on it. He is one of the most reputable gynecologists in the community I live in and I couldn't believe it. I told him about Juan and he almost wanted to meet him ;-)
I have been treating various ailments with Juan since July 2011. The results have always been very satisfactory, but the polyp issue takes the cake. It has been incredible how it has managed to reduce its size in a few months, how it has regulated my menstruation and above all how it has pulled me when my strength and even my faith has wavered. He has never given my case for lost, even when I have conveyed many doubts to him.
I am aware of the energetic waste that his involvement with his patients causes him, but he always keeps going, giving encouragement with a smile.
Thank you Juan, if before I was grateful to you from yesterday I am also amazed, the fact of avoiding an entry into the operating room and all that it entails, is priceless, there is no money or words to thank you for everything you do.
Nombre: SONIA 
Fecha: jue 14 jun 2012 18:41:57 CEST
Asunto: Gracias Juan por mejorar nuestras vidas
I have been following Juan's advice for a year and a half and since then my life has improved a lot. It has managed to mitigate my headaches, from which I free myself for long periods, when they were frequent before, it has eradicated my daughter's stomach aches that had been with them for years and no one had managed to relieve her before, and the same now recently with my son that he had emotional headaches and stomach aches and no longer complains about anything. I encourage you to follow Juan's advice, and be patient, trust him, because he turns to his patients and makes every effort. If he has managed to help my family, (and I assure you it was complicated) why not yours?
Date: Wed May 23 2012 15:59:23 CEST
Subject: Thank you
Just a few lines to thank Juan for his great attention and his great profession.
I am an exceptional person and because of my age and ailments used to taking traditional medicines. On the advice of my daughter I began to treat myself with Juan and I can say that my joint pain and even my serious circulatory problems have been greatly alleviated. My mood and my will to live have also improved a lot and I am grateful and happy. I recommend to all those older people who have resigned themselves to "feeling bad" every day to try homeopathy because it really is effective and without side effects.
Name: marcos rossell cut
Date: Tue Jan 17 2012 13:44:15 CET
Subject: goodbye back pain
Only those of us who suffer from back pain caused by herniated discs and others know how difficult it is to live our day to day life, even the fact of having to tie shoelaces is a great and painful effort.
I met Juan because he had previously treated my two-year-old son, and despite my skepticism I arranged a visit with him since my son's healing had been spectacular only by taking the remedies he had indicated.

Today I can say that I have left my horrible back pain behind, I know that hernias are not cured, but the discomfort that they caused me have completely disappeared.
I can only thank Juan for his dedication, his sense of responsibility, his empathy and his magnificent professionalism.
I absolutely recommend to those who need to improve their quality of life to contact him because the remedies that he indicates cure us, there is no doubt about that.
Both my wife, my son and I are deeply grateful to him.

Name: Silvia
Date: Tue Jan 17 2012 13:10:38 CET
Subject: Suggestion?
When some skeptic or some fervent defender of allopathic medicine tells me that Homeopathy only works by suggestion, I urge you to explain to me how my three-year-old son manages to suggest himself to cure his otitis, or how my husband suggests that his herniated discs stop hurting him and he can make his life normal or how do I manage to suggest myself to overcome my asthmatic attacks ...
To all those who are looking for relief from your ailments, I recommend you get in touch with Juan.
Our health has changed ... and in the process life.
Thank you Juan, for dedicating yourself body and soul to helping us live with more quality.
Name: A. Pereira
Date: Thu 24 Nov 2011 12:54:59 CET
Subject: Thanks
I would like to express my gratitude to homeopath Juan García for helping me to overcome a sciatica crisis with homeopathic treatments. I must add that before resorting to him I had tried more than 5 anti-inflammatories and as many analgesics without achieving anything other than an acute episode of Anaphylaxis.

Thanks Juan

A. Pereira
Number: Jennifer
Fecha: Tue 08 Nov 2011 20:36:08 CET
Asunto: my experience
Many thanks to Joan who helped me out when I couldn't see any solutions to my problems. Homeopathy is very effective in my case, which can be said to change my life. And with Joan, no one who listens and who I trust, my path cannot be other than that of healing.
Many thanks to you Joan.
Name: Anonymous
Date: Sat 08 Oct 2011 10:09:05 CEST
Subject: Nervous Anticipation
Before very important meetings/events when I have to be in the limelight, I have panic attacks that make me unable to smile or talk coherently. My hands shake, I sweat and often have diarrhoea. In the past year I have been worried by two such occasions, my daughter's wedding and a very tense business meeting. Juan prescribed a course of Gelsemium 200 and I sailed through both events with confidence.
Muchas gracias Juan.
Name: Anonymous
Date: Sun Aug 07 2011 19:55:14 CEST
Subject: Cancer
I want to thank you for the important help provided through homeopathy, an important complement in my treatment for the cure of cancer. It has been a complement both in the period of my radiotherapy, brachytherapy and chemo treatment and in the period after. In the first period it helped me a lot and later in the recovery of the treatment it was a complement that helped me to eliminate the aggressive chemical from my body and also the recovery of the area treated by radiotherapy. As I said, it was a highly helpful complement, without forgetting that the rest of the body and especially of the mind and other alternative therapies such as relaxation formed a whole for my almost total healing.
Nombre: Patricia
Fecha: jue 04 ago 2011 12:53:54 CEST
Asunto: Cefaleas e insomnio
Many years ago, so many that I have lost count, that I had a lot of headaches (especially tension headaches and sometimes migraines). I have been to several neurologists and they have not solved anything for me. When I went to Juan I had been in pain almost daily for six months and three months in treatment with a neurologist with whom I tried various medications that did not fix my pain and made me feel very bad. Now I hardly ever have pain and when I do they are much milder. It has also cured me of an insomnia problem that had been dragging on for more than 10 years. Now we are working on other problems that I am sure will also solve for me. So I have a lot to thank Juan for what has improved my quality of life. I also want to emphasize that he is always available for any questions. Many thanks juan.
Name: pilar fortuny
Date: Mon Aug 01 2011 18:04:23 CEST
Subject: homeopathy after shoulder acromioplasty
After the operation, the pain did not stop. I tried all kinds of therapies and was not getting any results. Doctors even told me that the pain had become chronic and would never go away.
I was introduced to Juan by phone. I live in Barcelona and he in Menorca. I was for 4 months with his treatment by phone. We spoke once a week. In the third week of the treatment, I began to notice the improvement and after 4 months, as I have told you, all the pains disappeared.
As you can imagine, I went to Menorca to meet Juan personally and at this moment I consider him to be one of the most exceptional people I have ever met. A professional who loves the things he does so much that those who know him and have the privilege of sharing some moments with him, know that they will find the harmony that at some point we all lose and he will find it for us again.
Nombre: Vera Mestre Soler
Fecha: jue 28 jul 2011 20:05:07 CEST
Asunto: Tractament homeopàtic nen
I started a treatment with my son Bernat (7 years old) to try to "treat" his anxieties. He is too responsible for his age. The truth is that I was reluctant to take him to a child psychologist (to psychologists, in any case we have to go to adults!), But on the other hand I saw that I needed some kind of help apart from the '"Educational" that we can give him as parents. We tried it with Joan and I think it has paid off.
Thanks Joan! For your patience and unconditional help.

Name: Natalia
Date: Tue Apr 26 2011 19:11:03 CEST
Subject: Effective Homeopathy against Anxiety
A few months ago I was suffering from anxiety, so I decided to try the homeopathic remedy. The first month
I already noticed improvement, and each time my anxiety has been decreasing day by day, until now I can
to say that it is already a memory of the past.
From my personal experience when it comes to anxiety, I would recommend anyone
suffers that he tried the homeopathic remedy, for its effectiveness and because in addition to understanding
the physical plane goes beyond reaching the most hidden emotions. And in no case can harm.

Thank you very much Joan for your dedication and your vocation to all of us who have been or will be
your patients.
Name: Ana
Date: Fri Apr 01 2011 22:33:54 CEST
Subject: Acne
Cuando conocí a Juan tenía un problema grave de acné, en Enero inicié el tratamiento, todavía no hace 3 meses, y tengo muchísimo mejor la cara, pese a que todavía me falta un poquito estoy muy contenta. Además hemos mejorado o “devuelto a la normalidad” otros desajustes de mi cuerpo. 

Ahora tengo 26 años y mi problema apareció con la pubertad, tras probar con todas las cremas existentes durante unos cuantos años, sin resultado alguno, me propusieron tomar Roacutan, unas pastillas bastante fuertes que secan tanto piel como mucosas y con las que te obligan a realizar análisis periódicos para controlar la función del hígado principalmente, después de 6 meses mis granos desaparecieron pero mi estomago y función intestinal se vieron perjudicados. Este estado, satisfactorio para mi, no duró más que unos meses, después volví a estar igual, así que me propusieron volver a tomar otra tanda de pastillas, así hasta 4 veces, en un período de 5 años.

Mi estado en el momento en que conocí a Juan era de total desesperación, estaba resignada a tener que volver a hacer un tratamiento perjudicial en muchos aspectos para mi cuerpo, sabiendo que iba a volver a fracasar, y no podía evitar que me saltasen las lagrimas cada vez que me miraba al espejo, salir de casa con esa cara, para mí, se había vuelto a convertir en un problema. Ir a trabajar cada día era un suplicio e incluso quedar con mi pareja y amigos era más un problema que una alegría.

Por suerte todo eso mejoró enseguida, desde la primera semana empecé a notar progresos, es por ello que animo y recomiendo a todo el mundo que no se resigne a probar una y otra vez tratamientos, que resultan inútiles, pudiendo tener graves efectos adversos y apostar por una forma no perjudicial de abordar un problema que su cuerpo con un empujón puede llegar a resolver.
Name: Natalia
Date: Thu 24 Mar 2011 16:30:18 CET
By chance I met Juan looking for a good homeopath to help me with some physical ailments that were not cured within me. Juan is helping me (I continue with homeopathic treatment) to make these ailments disappear and in a very short time I have noticed a lot of improvement in all my symptoms. I am convinced that they will disappear, as we are on the right track. Thanks to Juan for helping me to continue to know myself better and to eliminate the physical and emotional ailments that are so ingrained.
Name: karen
Date: Wed Jan 19 2011 21:58:36 CET
Subject: A devoted pratitioner of homeopathy
I was recommended Juan as a superb homeopath in September ´10. I live in Menorca and for the past 3 years been learning castellano and understand catalan. In homeopathy language is key to express what our body really needs and all homeopaths use this to guide and focus the direction in the case study. So when I heard Juan also spoke English fluently I decided to meet him and see if I could register with a good practitioner here in Menorca.

Since going to Juan in October I havent looked back. He has studied and found my constitutional remedy and this year I can breathe again and feel secure in my health and my physical strength. I am no longer fearful of losing my breath when swimming in winter seas and his treatments with me have had profound and immediate effects. For the past 2 winters, I have had severe bouts of brochitis and had respiritary attacks which have ended up in hospital on a respirator. This year, thanks to Juan, I have been fine and when the bronchitis came on the 1st time it had vanished within 24 hours.... like it had never happened.

Juan has treated me on the phone, in the moment of a health issue arising and resolved it with his remedy advise. My children have both had remedies for tonsilitis and tooth absesses and he cleared both rapidly with his recomended remedies.
I will no doubt always turn to Juan with our family health issues. I feel very lucky to have come across him and would strongly recommend his practise to anyone seeking well being through homeopathy or the wish to treat the cause of the illness rather than just the symptoms. 

Thank you Juan.
Name: Sonia
Date: Sat 08 Jan 2011 20:05:11 CET
Subject: An opinion
I have to say that a month and a half ago I couldn't even imagine that homeopathy could do so much for me, and especially Juan, whom I have to thank for the great change for the better that I have experienced. I was feeling very bad psychologically and because of it also physically, especially very severe headaches. Traditional medicine failed to cure me in months of treatment and now I feel much better. I have also been able to experiment with homeopathy solutions for menstrual cramps and flu discomfort. I encourage you to trust homeopathy and especially in Juan, who I thank very much for his listening skills, his dedication and commitment to help, and his availability. When passion for work and being an excellent person combine in medicine, the result cannot fail. Many thanks juan. Sonia
Name: Emma
Date: Mon Dec 13 2010 17:22:02 CET
Subject: stiff neck
Well again juan never fails me!

Ive had great success with Juan treating me with homeopathy, with different conditions, when i was pregnant and he also treats the chidren too, and everytime with great results.
This time was incredible, my neck was really painful to move when i woke up, i must of slept in a srange position, Juan gave me a treatment and within minutes i could move my neck, actually i still had the granules under my tongue, the pain had completely gone!! not even a little after pain.

I would highly recommended Juan to anyone, he is very caring,professional and a great homeopath!!
Nombre: Antonio
Fecha: mar 03 jul 2012 02:20:28 CEST
Asunto: Gracias Juan!
Hello to all of you who come here looking by chance as it happened to me to someone who could help you after trying everything with your problem. I have to say that my belief about homeopathy was non-existent, I had the conception that it used the same as any other pill, and my surprise was that when doing the treatment with Juan I realized that it is far superior to any chemical medicine and I explain why. He believed that if there was a homeopathy that was prescribed for a person who suffers from anxiety, it could be prescribed for another who suffers from the same (logical right?). Well, the great thing about homeopathy is that it is totally personalized and it is very important to contact someone who identifies the exact homeopathic remedy for your personality and your problem.
I totally encourage you to chat with Juan and then decide what to do, in my case gelsemium has been a discovery for me and a very pleasant surprise after having tried everything in the form of failure.
I have been 2 years with enormous somatic anxiety and although today I have loopholes of all that, Juan has opened the door for me to solve for myself what is missing.
I would summarize by saying that homeopathy is the most faithful help to oneself, the great encouragement to be able to solve your conflicts.
Without more ... Thank you and good luck to all.
Nombre: Carmen Herrera Rodriguez
Fecha: jue 17 may 2012 13:34:57 CEST
Asunto: Testimonio Alba y Carmen

Hello, I am Carmen, Alba's mother (12 years old), I want to tell you about our experience since March 23 that after some doubt we put ourselves in Juan's hands.
Alba, has a diagnosis of S. Asperger that is within the autism spectrum disorder, and although she is a girl who can communicate and independent, I suppose that like all parents who have children with some problem, we always want her life to be the fullest possible, and since her age is quite complicated, I decided to make the appointment, we started on March 23 of this year, and in 3 weeks we began to see positive changes for her: more connected with the family, better in high school, happier , calmer, less discomfort with the rule, more appetite, and above all the problems with the skin have disappeared. And although now we are a little "stagnant" I wanted to leave my opinion and above all tell Juan that I love talking to him, that the time he dedicates to me makes me look forward and continue fighting for her, which by the way, is turning into a precious little woman.
Date: Thu 23 Feb 2012 10:53:59 CET
Subject: ANXIETY
With my testimony I hope to shed a light on those people who do not know how to get out of this distressing disorder such as generalized anxiety and agoraphobia. I am a very skeptical person (if I don't see it, I don't think so) and until I have verified it in myself I have not wanted to record my experience.
I have suffered from anxiety attacks, panic and agoraphobia for 18 years. Over the years they have been mutating and at certain moments in my life they have become so strong that they have made it impossible for me to continue with a normal life. My uneasiness led me to deep despondency. I went through a long list of "remedies" (psychologists, psychiatrists, osteopaths, auriculotherapy, hypnosis ...) and nothing was remarkable to help me with this problem. A year ago I abandoned the traditional medication that I had been taking for more than 5 years and then the real ordeal began: I secluded myself at home without going out, and if I did it was in company, I was not going to buy, or do any other management derived from a normal life.
After so much desperation, I came across Juan's online Clinic 4 months ago and I thought: I don't lose anything by trying. Also, by doing it over the phone, I avoided having the hard time of the journey due to anxiety. Treatment began and the first timid changes occurred on a physical level. I was not so restless, nor were the bodily sensations that strong, some actually disappeared ... Later we went deeper and that is when I am noticing the great change. I can already go to the gym by myself, to the bank, to buy in stores and even today I have gone to the supermarket alone and the truth is that I am proud. I could not believe that these changes in me could be caused by Homeopathy. Of course I think I can still improve a lot and I hope to achieve it after so many years. Now I am hopeful of something I was giving up.
I can only thank Juan for his understanding, empathy, patience and perseverance with me
Name: Carmen
Date: Thu Sep 01 2011 13:53:32 CEST
Subject: An exceptional experience
We went to Juan for our 2-year-old daughter, a very specific problem. I was so positively surprised by the attention and humanity that I also decided to consult my many things. In these five months, our entire family has signed up and I have recommended him to several friends. In some way, Juan is already part of our little family and I am very grateful for his professionalism that he exercises with great sensitivity and affection.
One of the most spectacularly treated ailments in my case was a low back pain that disappeared without a trace in three days and in the case of my young daughter a stiff neck that subsided in a couple of days.
Name: Emma
Date: Fri 26 Aug 2011 13:18:08 CEST
Subject: anemia
Again another treatment with success from Juan. Im really pleased as my daughter who is 7 years old had blood tests that showed she was anemic. Juan treated her with a remedy for a period of 3 months and then she had to go back for another blood test. I was really surprised when she had the results back after the 3 month period because the results were great, she was no more anemic and other little things also were corrected. 
Juan has always treated Sofia and everytime with great results. I have a lot of confidence in Juan and he is always there with support, dedication and he is very professional. 
Thank you Juan from all the family, who you also treat.
Name: Silvia
Date: Mon Aug 15 2011 18:37:57 CEST
Subject: Like KH7 ....
A few days ago I told Juan that it was like the KH7 of the Homeopaths since it listens, relieves, cures, advises, helps ... so for me it has been as an all in one. Life, many times, seems to punish us with ailments or diseases but at the same time it rewards us by making us meet people like Juan. In my case, I found it because of the "fault" of my two-year-old son's otitis, and from our first conversation I was surprised by his empathy, kindness and patience, while the boy's rapid healing showed me with facts his absolute professionalism and mastery of Homeopathy. Now the whole family is his patients and, although the most spectacular result has occurred with my son, he is helping my husband and me enormously as well. I thank you Juan for your availability, patience, kindness, affection, empathy and, above all, your professionalism and good work. Seeing my son cured thanks to you in a few days has made me appreciate you very sincerely.
Name: Nines
Date: Wed 16 Feb 2011 12:56:08 CET
Subject: A great discovery
Un episodio agudo y muy doloroso ante el que la medicina tradicional no me ofrecía ninguna respuesta, junto al consejo de una amiga me llevó a buscar en internet homeopatía. Ya había oído hablar a varios amigos pero nunca había recurrido a ella. Busqué en internet y dí con esta página. Inmediatamente me puse en contacto con Juan y a partir de ahí todo cambió. No sólo me ayudó en ese episodio si no que me dio respuesta a muchas otras dolencias que sufría y por las que tenía una mala calidad de vida. Varios meses después me encuentro mucho mejor, tengo menos dolores de espalda, ya casi ninguno de cabeza, duermo mejor y en general soy más feliz.

Animo a todo aquel que esté pasando por algo parecido a que contacte con Juan, encontrarán muchas respuestas y mucho bienestar. Gracias Juan por haberme ayudado tanto.
Nombre: Ybera
Fecha: mar 25 ene 2011 09:52:41 CET
Asunto: Paso a paso
I work in front of a computer, I am 29 years old, and I have been working for 9 years. For many years, 5 or 6, I have been suffering back pain, lumbago, sciatica, right shoulder, among others. I have been through trauma doctors, physios, chiropractors and acupuncturists. Of all of them, the final feeling was one of general disenchantment and having wasted time and money.
Contact Juan for a rhinitis, and as we continue the treatment, we come to the back problem. It seems incredible to me, that after jumping from specialist to specialist, no one would have hit the nail on the head, and Juan, from a distance and by phone, would find and tackle the problem.
My feeling today is that the back pain is 80% less, there are also some bad days, but my day by day has undergone a considerable change. I've been exercising again for fun (I used to do it by prescription and without any improvement), and most important of all I'm in a better mood.

I have no words to thank Juan for the work, patience and dedication he has shown in each of the consultations.

Name: Josefina
Date: Fri Dec 10 2010 15:19:53 CET
Subject: he left me to say ...
That in addition to showing that Juan García is a great professional, I have to highlight the human quality that is what I think and I think anyone values above all. It is said that until today and I have lived for a few years, I had not encountered something so difficult to find and that is: professionalism and humanity, that together is Juan García. I invite you to be able to know the homeopathy of his hand. Thank you and as he says: Cheers.
Date: Fri Dec 10 2010 13:57:03 CET
Subject: I would like it to be known.
Hello everyone, I would like it to be known that I have a hope that Juan has given me, traditional medicine has not found the solution and homeopathy gives me the opportunity to do so. Thanks Juan.
Name: Ybera
Date: Thu Dec 09 2010 22:23:26 CET
Subject: A major change in life
Navegando por la web encontré este espacio, me pareció sobrio y sincero y me decidí a probar el tratamiento homeopatico con Juan. Tras una entrevista telefónica, la prescripción del remedio adecuado y paciencia, el tratamiento está dando sus frutos. Ha mejorado mi calidad de vida (sobre todo en invierto), no teniendo tantas recaídas, y encontrándome mejor de una rinitis alérgica. También he comprobado que la consulta homeopatica es mas individual, así como los remedios. 
Cuando vas al médico y le dices, me duele la cabeza, es posible que te de algo para mitigar el dolor, pero rara vez te intentarán encontrar el foco del mismo, la homeopatía busca el problema de raíz.
Cada uno que juzgue y tome sus propias conclusiones. 
Yo he ganado, en salud y bienestar.
Muchas gracias Juan.
Name: Miquel
Date: Fri Jun 18 2010 07:49:34 CEST
Subject: Thank you
Thanks Joan for bringing us closer to this wise science with the network of networks that is the internet! uniting the old with the modern is the art of masters like you.
Name: Maria
Date: Thu May 20 2010 01:11:36 CEST
Subject: Homeo
I had very bad insomnia since I was little and homeopathy has helped me a lot, I encourage everyone to try the wonder of homeopathy! it does not have any contraindications or side effects, and that is an advantage
Name: Guillermo Kumerz
Date: Mon Apr 26 2010 15:46:38 CEST
Subject: Thank you Juan
Whenever I have spoken with him he has transmitted calm and serenity to me by the balance of his words. I imagine that like everyone else, Juan has had to learn not only what he has transmitted to me, but also the science that he has managed to develop that he carries inside. Enriched with homeopathy. A person who knows how to guide, advise and find the origin of your illness and heal is a miracle that only he who has passed through his hands knows. Perhaps that ignorance is as deep for me as worthy of admiration. Thanks Juan. Thanks once again.
Name: Toni Moure Massa
Date: Wed 03 Mar 2010 11:29:00 CET
Subject: Amazing results.
First of all I want to greet and congratulate Joan for her work and also comment that with her good work she managed to cure me of a scapular ailment that after several years of visits and conventional treatments was already considered chronic. I also "fix" some problems in my heels, that due to the activity that I exercise: I dedicate myself to teaching and practicing sports, they were very annoying to me.
Thanks Joan and go ahead with this interesting and well made website.
Nombre: Ybera
Fecha: mar 25 ene 2011 09:52:41 CET
Asunto: Paso a paso
Juan has been treating me for a few months now, and I would recommend his homeopathic services to everyone. He is a credit to the profession, and a very nice person too!
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